

Omicron Persei 8

The New Yorker Presents: 1x02 Episode 2

First segment in this one was absolutely infuriating to watch. It was about kids doing rodeo bull-riding, and the sexism, the number of people living vicariously through their kids, the fact that the ANIMALS DO NOT ENJOY THIS. Ugh. So fucking disgusting. If you like animals then you probably already know why rodeos are horrible, so you might want to skip this section. Otherwise this episode was very nice.

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Old Henry

Westerns aren't usually my thing, but my dad made me watch this with him and my mom, and it was good! Definitely go into it spoiler-free if you can.

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Love Lies Bleeding
Get Out

Shout by somnomania
BlockedParent2024-02-05T03:27:38Z— updated 2024-02-10T01:06:21Z

This, THIS is what a horror film should be. I felt deeply uncomfortable and anxious for the first half of the movie, because everything happening was just so wrong, and confusing because of how wrong it felt, when nothing bad was happening. The tone and pacing and execution of events were perfect, I didn't figure out what was actually going on until Chris did. I managed to stay relatively unspoiled for the plot, which is how everyone should go into this movie. And minimal jumpscares, apart from the very first one, which means I can safely share it with my mom! Moving on to Peele's other films now, I can't wait to see if they're as phenomenal and perfect as this one. Absolutely incredible work, I can't think of a single thing wrong with Get Out.

Edit: Rewatched with my mom, and honestly the only issue I have is that it remains so uncomfy even when you know what's happening, perhaps BECAUSE of knowing what's happening. It's an incredible movie, for sure, but it's not as fun to rewatch (for me) as Us, which I think is my favorite of Peele's movies.

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What If

Alright, if you like that sort of thing. It didn't grab me enough to keep me from doing several other things during, and leaving the room repeatedly. As an aroace person, I'd love, just once, to see a movie where a guy and girl really are just friends, and happy that way. It's possible in real life, honest! I mostly stuck with it to the end because I like Dan Radcliffe and Adam Driver.

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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Not the best of movies, certainly, but I imagine super scary at the time (and for more sensitive types even today), and undeniably impactful on horror as a genre. And the low budget worked in its favor; I think anything with more polish wouldn't have had the feel that this had, with all the dirt and sweat and grime. Poor Franklin, though, I felt bad for him the entire way through.

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Five Nights at Freddy's

I'm 36, and while I'm too much of a weenie to have made it past night 3 in the first game, watching others (particularly Markiplier) play through the series is what got me into watching let's players on Youtube. I thought this movie was great! Was it a good movie? Nothing to write home about; the animatronics were fantastic, the sound design was good, Matthew Lillard is a gift, but otherwise it was sort of middle of the road. But I had a great time watching it. I laughed a lot, I pointed wildly at the screen so my cat could see the easter eggs, and near the end when Afton took off the mask I did a big Super Bowl touchdown reaction. I'm gonna make my mom watch it, because it's something connected to a thing I'm very much interested in, so I want to share it with her, and it's not anywhere near scary enough to get to her (she's very, very bad with being startled, and I didn't find that much of anything besides the three Balloon Boy jumps were actually startling).

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Chucky: Season 2

I loved this season, for very different reasons from the first season. This one had Nadine, who was adorable, Glen and Glenda, who I will dearly miss, and just the right level of nonsense happening to remind me of Bride and Seed. I didn't care a ton about the teens in this season, with everything else going on, but I thought everything was done very well with them, and Alyvia Alyn Lind really did a fantastic job. I didn't see any of the twists with the various Chuckies coming, and I loved all of them. Really really good, I might do a quick rewatch when season 3 is finished before I binge that, just to refresh my memory.

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Curse of Chucky

This one was interesting, felt like a completely different franchise after all the others. And it was good, I liked it a lot, but it suffered from horror movie characters in a major way, that the others didn't because they were self-aware and silly enough to not have that problem. This one, I had questions, which were mostly "why is X so stupid?" But the characters were interesting, the acting was extremely good, and the violence was positively tasteful compared to other entries. Also goddamn but Fiona Dourif looks so much like her dad.

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Seed of Chucky

This movie should have been too dumb to watch, but instead I loved it. I love that Jennifer Tilly and Brad Dourif seem to have so very much fun doing these movies, and I was not at all prepared for the stunning nonbinary representation in the form of Glen/da. What a wild ride, very crude and ridiculous for most of it but well-executed for being that.

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Very good, definitely upset my tummy more than the original. I thought the cenobites were fantastically gruesome, a huge upgrade of flesh from the original leather. I'm not sure how anyone thought this was less sadomasochistic than the original; the only thing more torture-y than this is Saw, or Hostel. I admit I was a bit disappointed that Voight got turned into a cenobite at the end. He deserved to feel all that pain as a human would, after what he did. It would serve his dumb ass right for picking "sensation", after seeing the sort of shit the cenobites are into lmao.

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Sure are a bunch of angry men in the reviews for this, who totally missed the entire point of the whole movie. Which part upset you, was it America Ferrera explaining the complete truth of what it's like to be an average woman in the world, or was it the Kens having their brief control taken away because they're not bright enough to wield control effectively because they're literally just there to accompany Barbie?

Great music, great story, great acting, visually awesome to watch! My mom and I haven't laughed as much as we did during this movie in weeks, it was a blast from start to finish, with a multitude of excellent, plain-spoken points about life for women, men, and all humans. Greta Gerwig can pretty much do whatever she wants now after this enormous success.

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Buncha boring fusspots on this site! Instead of judging this movie against other Pixar movies, or other movies with similar plots, just enjoy it for what it is: a gorgeous movie with inventive little details (I especially liked all of the Fire clothing being made out of metal and glass), a great soundtrack, and an excellent message throughout about race, racism, immigration, and how people treat each other. My mom and I just watched it and while yes, it's not Pixar's strongest, and we both liked Inside Out better, it was still a fun hour and forty minutes, and the sort of movie where if I spotted it on TV, I'd probably hang around to watch it.

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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Love, Death & Robots: 1x06 WHEN THE YOGURT TOOK OVER

I thought this one was great, and just as plausible to me at this point as Godzilla or zombies, or whatever else might come along and destroy humanity (or save it). If someone's working on this for real though, please hurry up.

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x05 SUCKER OF SOULS

We were doing well until the status of the cats was no longer certain. :( No, I enjoyed this one, I like things that don't go for photorealistic animation, because it inevitably allows the story to shine more brightly. And the story was very good! I just love cats and the safety of them - even animated ones - impacts my enjoyment of things quite heavily. I loved Gary, though, she felt like a Fullmetal Alchemist character, 100%.

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x04 SUITS

That was goddamn delightful, all the way through. It felt like a Pixar short exclusively for adults, and I mean that in the best possible way. The animation was great, the characters were great and distinct despite it being a short, the concept was cool. Definitely keeping this one around for when I need a pick-me-up.

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x03 THE WITNESS

Pretty good, though not as perfect story-wise as Jibaro (this director's other episode, in season 3) was. Visually it reminded me a bit of the Borderlands games, though without such heavy linework around the edges.

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x02 THREE ROBOTS

Started off slow, especially since I started with Season 3, but then got much better once there was a cat involved. No, I'm serious.

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x01 SONNIE'S EDGE

What a rollercoaster. I was hyped, then I was mad, then I was hype again, then felt like it couldn't possibly be as good as it seemed, then I was mad again, then I was SUPER HYPE. Love the animation style, too, it reminded me a bit of the Dishonored games, and a bit of Bioshock.

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x09 Jibaro

Came to the show for this specific episode, stayed for the others! This one is definitely my favorite visually, the weird combination of "yes realism" and "this is SO animated", the surreal uncanny valley look of things, and the siren is such a fantastic design. I've already delved into videos on Youtube about this episode, as well as people who have cosplayed the siren, made OOAK dolls of the siren, etc. It's just such an interesting take on a classic myth. The story is simplistic and might seem hidden under the absolute chaos of what's happening sometimes, but I thought it was very well executed. The allure for this episode is definitely "what the hell did I just watch" rather than a deeply engrossing story like some of the other episodes in this season. (Not kidding about the absolute chaos, if you're prone to sensory overload from media, tread with caution.)

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x06 Swarm

Damn. Damn! Animation was phenomenal, and the concept/story were absolutely amazing. The sex scene (such as it was) felt a bit out of left field, but I suppose it had to do with the two of them bonding despite some initial differences. I'd love a full movie of this, but as it was the story was nice and contained. I didn't have any questions by the end about what happened before OR after this short. This one is (in my opinion) second best for story (after Bad Travelling), and the best animation if you like "as realistic as possible" animation and not stylized in some way.

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x02 Bad Travelling

This one was PHENOMENAL, probably my favorite story-wise and animation-wise. The animation was gorgeous, I could watch a whole movie or series or video game in this style. The story was interesting, compelling, and kept me guessing the whole way through. I feel like it could have been set in our own ocean just as easily, and it still would have made sense, but perhaps the ending wouldn't have happened the way it did otherwise. Torrin is a hero, though perhaps for the wrong reasons, and boy, I still cannot ever recognize Troy Baker when I hear him, which I guess speaks to his talent as a voice actor. I also feel like it didn't need all the gore that it had; the torso being puppeted around would have been more than enough, and all the little extra flourishes like heads being speared and eyeballs being popped out were just because they could because the series was already TV-MA. But maybe the gruesomeness helped convey how dire the situation was, I don't know.

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x03 The Very Pulse of the Machine

This episode was stunning, a beautiful and haunting bit of story that reminded me a bit of Color Out of Space (2019), just in the surreal feeling and the sense of having no control over something so much larger than yourself that you are still a part of. The animation style perfectly suited it, too.

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x08 In Vaulted Halls Entombed

Jesus, I didn't think things could get more gruesome than Mason's Rats and parts of Swarm, but this one had some really grody moments that made me squirm. Also I gotta be honest, I would've been way more satisfied if it had just been bioluminescent goop and weird spider aliens and then everyone died or some of them bailed and just got out of the cave and had it nuked from orbit. It coming down to Cthulhu was almost disappointing after all the other shit, but I can appreciate the way it was represented, that was pretty damn cool. Also, nice to see Christian Serratos again, she did an amazing job. The animation was really good for a lot of parts and then glaringly, obviously animation in some other parts (mainly with bright lighting and certain facial angles). Really good, overall, but yuck.

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x07 Mason's Rats

I don't consider myself too squeamish anymore, but there was just a little too much blood in this one for me (not like "oh, I'm grossed out" but more "the blood is honestly distracting me from the story"). Other than that I loved it, the concept and the story and the ANIMATION, I want a whole movie in this animation style. Reminded me a bit of The BFG, but with a more clay-y look too it, harder edges with both the models and the shading. Pixar could turn this into a movie and I'd love it. Also, RIP Susan, you didn't deserve that but I saw it coming anyway.

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x05 Kill Team Kill

Not my cup of tea, though it did get several chuckles out of me, and I can appreciate the work that went into the animation. I feel like if you like Venture Bros. you would probably enjoy this one.

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