Bayandur Pogosyan


Yerevan, Armenia


I don't know ifs it's a bad movie with a bunch of good scenes or a good movie with a bunch of bad scenes.

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The Sandman: 1x01 Sleep of the Just

Do you know why the first issue is called "Sleep of the Just"? You do, if you've read it. Do you know why the first episode of the series is called that? There's no reason, really, since an important side character named Wesley Dodds, a.k.a. Sandman, is not introduced in the episode. Abel and Caine aren't in "Imperfect Hosts". I wonder what else is gone.

Overall, two episodes in, this is a flavorless series only remotely associated with the original graphic novel.

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Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer: Season 1

It was quite pretentious and with a lot of excessive drama, to the point of feeling fake. Essentially, even reading the Wikipedia page on the subject was more interesting than this docudrama.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: Season 2

While my opinion of the first season was mostly positive, the second season took a marked turn to the worse.

Yeah yea, Iroh and Top had their moments and are pretty good characters. But the overarching plot is about infuriatingly incompetent adults in power, very convenient events that contribute nothing to the final outcome, setups with disappointing payoffs, and a penultimate episode that made me quit the show for good.

Maybe I would have liked it if I were a kid.

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If only it were not about a real accident, real radiation, I would have rated it much higher.

Here's the problem: Chernobyl is visually as close to a perfect representation of late 1980s USSR and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident as anything.

Except it blows the scale of the accident itself out of proportion, presents urban legends and the unfounded fear of irradiated people being radioactive as fact and even outright lies about the number of victims in the epilogue. And the vodka? In the middle of "sukhoy zakon", the Soviet version of prohibition?

It feels like it tries to respect the victims and heroes of the tragedy, but then, it sacrifices a lot of its credibility.

Don't get me wrong, if we take out its claim to be a docudrama, Chernobyl is a good, even if scientifically inaccurate, work of fiction.

But as docudramas go, it's 5 out of 10.

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The Conjuring 2
Black Panther
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

A simple, yet well-crafted story, a feast for the eyes and a pure spectacle. + some ugly CGI and an ending that fails to sell the story. Overall, 8/10.
Special praise for Cara Delevingne for giving an amazing performance.

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Preacher: Season 1

In the comic book series, the characters and their backstories made sense. Here, they make none. Basically, it's another dumbed-down badly written TV social commentary-stuffed series based on a comic (hello, Lucifer, Gotham, Flash, Constantine). They even threw in an actually likeable character (Cassidy) based on the experience of the Game of Thrones, so that you'd keep watching at least for his sake.

Fourth episode in, nothing to get me going. Bad writing (especially the dialogue), absolutely nothing interesting happening, deliberately not showing stuff and ending on cliffhangers as if it's going to interest me more - guess what, it isn't.

There was a lot of hype going around Preacher, I don't see why. Mediocre.

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Batman: The Killing Joke

Learning that Azarello had done the writing (I have a lot of confidence in him after his run on Hellblazer - not exactly my favorite run, but still pretty solid), and that Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill were reprising their roles as Batman and the Joker, I already knew I would likely be a good one. Still, I was afraid that they would fuck up the ending, which might be interpreted as being ambiguous in the comic by some. But the story in the beginning made it so it would work both ways, and still they left the ending the way it was in the comic.

I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I hadn't read the comic - this is the problem with the adaptation being faithful to the original material, but, overall, a decent effort.

Hence the rating - 8/10 "Great"

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Green Lantern: Emerald Knights

Now this is a pretty good Green Lantern animated feature film. Not an origin story, varied plot, focuses on characters. Also has the Alan Moore "Mogo doesn't socialize" story. The ending is kind of anti-climactic, of course. But, overall, a worthy attempt.

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Green Lantern: First Flight

Origin story, overly evil Sinestro, no character development, plain and primitive. Has it's redeeming points, but compared to "Emerald Knights" and "Green Lantern: The Animated Series", wish I had skipped that one.

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Rick and Morty: Season 2

Good as the first season was, the second is way better. And the ending... didn't expect it to go all feels over me. Just watch it, not gonna spoil it for you.

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The Flash: 1x07 Power Outage

I finally had enough of it.

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The Flash: 1x05 Plastique

1:35 of the episode, it's only missing "and that, kids, is the story of how I met your mother".

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The Flash: 1x04 Going Rogue

"Geeky girls are sluts with eyeglasses" stereotype - check. The quest for cultural relevance continues.

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The Flash: 1x02 Fastest Man Alive

Ok, it gets worse. Now I know exactly what it looks like - silver-age obsession with science by people who don't understand it (let's throw in some badly understood terminology and they'll thing this is complex scientific stuff). Let's give attempted scientific explanations to the villain's powers, even though the result will defy the law of conservation of mass. Add bronze-age pursuit of cultural relevance - particle accelerators, internet, cellphones and twerking. And let's make Iris "Miss Unnecessary Backstory in Dialogue".

Worst of all, the character has absolutely no backbone, no integrity. Then we have all this American cliched pep-talk by authority figures.
And why do they make his hood drop as soon as he runs fast? Why the hell does he need a mask that opens his face every now and then? Imagine Batman's mask falling off every time he jumps off a roof.

The series is decidedly weak.

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The Flash: 1x01 Pilot