


The Twilight Zone: 1x11 And When the Sky Was Opened

Very good acting in this episode. Even though it seems a little over the top at times and made me laugh it wasn't bad.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x09 Force of Nature

Sure, let's take the one thing that makes Star Trek possible and demonize it. It's painfully obvious that the writer of this episode wanted to make a political point about the use of fossil fuels here on earth. Leave it to a liberal to pee on everyone's parade.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 6x20 The Chase

Episodes like this are the reason Star Trek is loved by so many people.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 4x08 Little Green Men

One of my favorite Star Trek episodes.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 3x24 Shakaar

I thought for sure O'Brien was hustling Quark.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 2x02 Initiations

Chakotay episodes are usually dullsville.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 3x10 Fascination

Episodes with Lwaxana Troi always make me cringe.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 2x20 The Maquis (1)

All I can say is, so it begins...

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The Twilight Zone: 1x30 A Stop at Willoughby

Push, push, push all the way down the line!

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 1x09 The Passenger

Ugh. Bashir's acting in this is atrocious. Even more so that usual.

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x11 AKA I've Got the Blues

I wasn't a fan of Super Trish. I mean, Simpson is obviously a trained spec ops soldier and he is on a higher dose of the drug so I'm assuming he is stronger because of it. I don't see how Trish would even have a chance even if he was trying not to hurt her. Plus she is an idiot for taking the drug after the way it made Simpson a nut job.

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The Twilight Zone: 2x12 Dust

What the heck is wrong with that horse's back???

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The Twilight Zone: 2x08 The Lateness of the Hour

Holy crap this is a poorly shot, written and directed episode compared to the previous ones.

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The Twilight Zone: 1x18 The Last Flight

I love time travel tales.

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The Twilight Zone: 1x17 The Fever

This episode gets an extra couple of stars just because of the money saying "Franklin" in that funny voice. I occasionally say it like that whenever the word Franklin comes up :)

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Star Trek: Voyager: 1x04 Time and Again

We get it, you don't like nuclear power eyeroll

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 3x11 Past Tense (1)

I don't like the super liberal class warfare message this episode blatantly spells out for us dumb Americans.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x23 Emergence

An interesting premise but I didn't care for the holodeck's involvement.

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Marvel's The Defenders: 1x03 Worst Behavior

Lost a couple of stars just because of the left wing propaganda spewing out of Luke Cage's mouth. Shame on the writers for injecting that class warfare venom into an otherwise great show.

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The Twilight Zone: 2x17 Twenty Two

It dragged out the plot for a lot longer than it needed to. If about 10 minutes was cut from the first part then it would have played a lot better imo.

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The Twilight Zone: 1x27 The Big Tall Wish

Man that kid is one terrible actor.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 3x12 Past Tense (2)

The last couple of lines made me roll my eyes so hard I almost passed out.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 2x26 The Jem'Hadar

Starts off a little slow but otherwise a great episode!

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 2x23 Crossover

I really don't like the mirror universe episodes. They display just how bad some of these actors really are.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x19 Genesis

My favorite episode of the whole series!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 6x20 The Chase

Episodes like this are the reason Star Trek is loved by so many people.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 4x16 Bar Association

This is where Rom starts becoming an interesting character.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 4x04 Nemesis

This is one of the hardest episodes to stomach on a rewatch. The funky dialogue just grates my nerves to the point where I have to stop paying attention lest I go insane. The premise is not bad but the execution is awful.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 1x12 Heroes and Demons

I love pretty much all of the Doctor centered episodes.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 4x09 The Sword of Kahless

I would have liked it a lot better if the sword would have had some kind of meaningful impact on future episodes. It was a pretty big letdown that they decided to end it the way they did. And I didn't care much for the bickering between the Klingons over the sword.

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