


The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window

I get why are a lot of people don't like it. I liked it because it was an okey mystery - besides what it was supposed to be. It kept me interest to watch it straight through. They weird moments a very subtle and ... well weird. It's not funny in a laughing way but keeps you guessing: did I miss something or are they serious. And if the serious this sucks - but are they. I've just started to to watch it because I like Kristen Bell and read the comments afterwards. The reveal was a bit lame but also fitting. Just watch it and don't read anything about it (too late i guess).

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fantastic...just fantastic.

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all clichés and plotlines you expect are present and the they really play a round of Battleship. But nonetheless it was entertaining. Aliens look cool and dialog is reduced to a minimium - so the rest of the time there are bits and pieces flying everywhere.

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just an ordenary roadtrip story with an alien on top -
expected a bit more but was great anyway.

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