Ean Kingston

1 follower

Babylon 5

Stargate Universe

Season 1 - 4/10
Season 2 - 7/10

Still upset that they canceled Atlantis for this. The first season was painful to get through, with all the soap opera elements. Season 2 was much better, however was too little too late. Great finale episodes though.

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This is one of those near perfect shows, nearly every episode was top notch for me.

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The Mandalorian

7/10 seasons 1 and 2
8/10 season 3

Overall a very fun show, I love the more episodic feel to it.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Incredible show, I loved every second of it! Classic Trek. Might even be my favorite Trek series now.

Highly recommend.

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Babylon 5: 2x16 In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum

Just as good as I remembered, lot's of huge plot developments, and some great acting

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Babylon 5: 2x11 All Alone in the Night

A great episode, I appreciated it much more the second watch through.

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Babylon 5: 2x12 Acts of Sacrifice

The A plot was great, but the B-plot with Ivanova was... not great. Would've been a 8/10 if it wasn't for that B plot

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Babylon 5: 1x12 By Any Means Necessary

Lots on interesting foreshadowing going on this episode.

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Babylon 5: 1x06 Mind War

Rewatching this a second time made me appreciate this episode much more.

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Babylon 5: 1x11 Survivors

This episode was very eerie, especially knowing what's coming up very soon in the story.

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Vera: 12x05 The Rising Tide - Christmas Special 2023

a great conclusion to the series, interesting mystery and great acting as always

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Babylon 5: 1x08 And the Sky Full of Stars

My favorite episode so far, great acting and lots of plot threads getting weaved together! highly recommend

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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

A very good IJ movie, probably my third favorite after the first and third film. It feels like a full on IJ film, lots of action, a bit of humor, nice ending.

The only negative thing about it would be that some of the CGI was a bit iffy towards the end. However, it still worked and didn't bother me.

Would highly recommend :thumbsup:

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Doctor Who: 1x03 Boom

Pretty decent episode. Very tense and suspenseful. Haven't been watching any of the new episodes, but wanted to check out this episode because of Moffat.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x10 The Last Generation

I had a huge grin on my face the whole hour. What a great conclusion to TNG era.

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Babylon 5: 3x22 Z'ha'dum

The last ten minutes of this episode was maybe the best ten minutes of TV I've ever watched. I was literally on the edge of my seat!

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Stargate Atlantis: 5x19 Vegas

great episode, interesting seeing an episode that's completely different feel to the rest of the series

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Joe 90: 1x10 Big Fish

Good story, nice special effects

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Doctor Who: 1x04 73 Yards

Decent episode, but still not as good as a lot of the older ones. Not a fan of the fantasy aspect that's been creeping in, either. I prefer the sci-fi side of Who. If there's another episode that's heavy on fantasy I'll probably stop watching.

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Doctor Who: 8x01 Terror of the Autons (1)

Interesting start to the season, cool seeing the Master.

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Doctor Who: 7x25 Inferno (7)

Great ending to a great serial! Not a fan of the monsters, but other than that my fav classic serial of the third doctor so far

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Doctor Who: 7x22 Inferno (4)

Awesome cliffhanger, best one so far

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Doctor Who: 7x21 Inferno (3)

This was the first episode of classic who where I really felt that the doctor was in danger and how much he wasn't in control. great episode and I think this might be shaping up to be my favorite serial of season 7

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Doctor Who: 7x18 The Ambassadors of Death (7)

Very anti-climatic ending. Not my favorite serial so far.

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Doctor Who: 7x10 Doctor Who and the Silurians (6)

Their handling of the virus was quite cringe worthy. Other than that, okay episode, feels a little stretched out though.

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Doctor Who: 10x11 World Enough and Time (1)

Wonderful episode, loved the creepiness of it. Probably the best episode of series 10 for me so far. I also think this is the best way the cybermen have been used in NuWho

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Doctor Who: 7x04 Spearhead from Space (4)

A great ending to a great story. I'm looking forward to watching more of the third Doctor.

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Doctor Who: 7x02 Spearhead from Space (2)

Interesting continuation so far, curious to see what's next

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Doctor Who: 7x01 Spearhead from Space (1)

My first episode of classic who! Interesting start, I can see elements of the nuwho doctors in Pertwee's performance. And that cliffhanger ending came out of so left field lol, didn't expect it to end there.

Will continue to watch

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Space: Above and Beyond: 1x01 Pilot

Interesting start, likeable characters, and some good space battles. Will watch the next episode

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