

Omicron Persei 8

Mr. Harrigan's Phone

Mismarketed and terribly paced. This movie doesn't even know what it wants to be about. It has such an identity crisis that in the end you are left flabbergasted thinking, this is it? And the godawful voiceover was excruciating to sit through, explaining each detail like we are 5.

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Love Again

I may never love again after watching this shit.

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Talk to Me

Possession goes viral and ghost gets kinky. Who let Tarantino in?

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Halloween Ends

Michael Myers pulled a Luke Skywalker.

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Reacher: Season 2

With a show like this, they need to release all episodes at once. this weekly release model is weak. The middle episodes are not engaging enough to make me come back each week and I lose interest. When you release all at once, the weaker episodes gets the benefit of not stuttering the show.

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The Flash

I have seen this story executed better in
TV - CW The Flash
Animation - Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox
Movie - Zack Snyder's Justice League
Comic - Flashpoint
P.S. None of them has god awful CGI babies.

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The brilliance of this movie lies in its tackling of the subject matter with deft powerful touch without feeling showy.

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This might be the worst movie I will watch this year. This movie is littered with unlikeable annoying characters with cringy dialogue that made my skin crawl. And the bad acting on top of that to fill the trifecta. The humour just doesn't work and its attempt at sentimentality fails miserably. And my goodness why are you moving the camera so much when two people are talking. The excessive slo-mo and pathetic attempt in trying to copy editing style of Edgar Wright is downright pitiful. And the outlandish twist to end it all was just icing on the cake.

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When Harry Met Sally...

I meet Harry and Sally every few years, and I fall in love with them all over again.

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Mad Max: Fury Road

This is more than a movie, it is an experience.

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Dune: Part Two

This is a masterclass in blockbuster film making.

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Even Apple was questioning themselves after funding this 200 million mammoth shit fest.

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The absolute mastery in film making alone deserves a 10.

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Dude, Where's My Car?

Dude, Where's My Car? is the perfect stoner movie. The plot is ridiculous but does it really matter when you are as high as kite.
P.S. To the movie snobs who are analyzing and shit. Stop it, get some help. Better yet smoke some grass.

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The Marksman

For a movie named "The Marksman", there ought to be more shootouts.

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Children of the Corn

Who keeps making these movies man?! If I didn't had the OCD of finishing every movie based on Stephen King novels, I would have been lot happier.

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Magic Mike's Last Dance

I think I just came when Magic Mike did that lap dance..... Yea I sure did. Too bad there was a movie afterwards.

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If the characters were clever, the movie would have been titled Inserted instead.

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Insidious: The Red Door

Should have done a 5 minutes recap of the first two movies instead, then it would have been a watchable 15 minutes.

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Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Ferris Bueller grows up to become deadpool.

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I have never felt this uneasy watching a movie and I have sat through lots and lots of disturbing movies.

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The Social Network

Shout by TD127
BlockedParent2022-10-10T15:56:34Z— updated 2024-03-16T01:25:20Z

I don't think you can have a better combination of Aaron Sorkin's brilliant writing, David Fincher's meticulous direction, and Trent Reznor's captivating score.

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See for Me

I absolutely don't get it. For these kinds of movie to work, you got to have someone you can root for to thwart the evil. You have created a lead so devoid of empathy that I just didn't care. To the antithesis, you have made her so unlikeable who steals and treats everyone so badly around her; her family, friends, even strangers that at some points I was rooting against her. I am not suggesting to have a goodie two-shoes protagonist, you can have a flawed protagonist, just give her layers to make her empathetic. And no making her blind doesn't automatically make her empathetic. And the outlandish third act which throws any sense of logic out of the window is just hilarious to sit through.

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Jeepers Creepers: Reborn

Ohhh I can't wait for the second and third movie in the trilogy.

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Green Room

Who knew Patrick Stewart can play one mean racist scary dude. He gave me the heebie-jeebies.

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The Exorcist

This is not just an exorcism movie. This is a deep introspection of a priest losing his faith in the face of evil but who ultimately triumphs to defeat the evil by strengthening his faith and sacrificing himself to save an innocent soul. This could be categorized as hero's journey of sort. An absolute classic.

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Teenagers can be just as nasty and scary as any ghosts or demons.

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Knives Out

This is the most overrated piece of art I have seen in recent times.

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Rear Window for Millennials. Alfred Hitchcock would have gagged at this.

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A milestone movie in slasher genre.

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