Alexandra E


Omicron Persei 8


There's some decent performances given, but the leaping around in the story wasn't done quite right. Not exactly sure how to describe it. Just something was off.

The guess of what a Switzerland chalet might look like, assuming Lucan was boarded up as suggested, seems extremely far fetched. Add in facts that Aspers paid for the children to travel to places, seems more likely like his pal Lucan stayed on his payroll.

The bust at the end was the most interesting, could with Aspers committed answer that Lucan was at the bottom of the a English Channel. Who put him there seems the only question and who cares becomes the quick follow up.

6/10. Better than average but nothing to get excited about.

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Doctor Who: 1x05 Dot and Bubble

Getting really sick of these episodes where we get almost nothing of the new Doctor. Hating it. This episode could've been better had they plopped the Doctor in like a locked area of the city and get out and find this mess.

I know it was a side note on people being good to their phones. AND add in trying to address the racist shitbags of the planet too.

But so sick of not getting to know the new Doctor this far into the new season. Knowing the Doctor's a good person who would even save racist shitbags, not a surprise, just a waste of an episode.

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Parade's End
The Exception
The Gift

Corny but really cute. If you don't like girly, corny, and a bit silly, then this is for you. If that gets on your nerves, you will hate this.

Me, I can like somewhat corny when it's cute, so 9/10.

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Where the Crawdads Sing
Akashinga: The Brave Ones

Fell like 14 minutes was teaser rather than the whole thing. Still giving it a 10. Stories about strong women need to be told now more than ever.

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The Last Voyage of the Demeter
Rear Window

"Nothing has caused the human race so much trouble as intelligence." MY GOD, Hitchcock was amazing at foreshadowing.

If not for the nosey, intelligent neighbor and his equally intelligent girlfriend, no one would ever have been the wiser to a murder. The intelligence of course near bit both in the butt, but so thought provoking on numerous levels. Even the subtle hints at different types of inpropriety of the time. From the supposed single girl who had a husband in the army, the newlywed who lied about quitting his job to fill his wife into marrying him in the first place, the subtle hint at the beginning about the dog's demise.... Just friggin fantastic!

10 out of 10. A classic.

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Dune: Part Two

Can't add anything to most of the positive comments, but I'm ready for Part III.


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Doctor Who: 1x04 73 Yards
Poor Things

This movie absolutely SUCKED. I tried 4x to watch it. All it is a more perverse Edward Scissorhands and they sure as hell didn't give that Best Picture.

0 but it won't let you give a 0.

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Young Sheldon: 7x04 Ants on a Log and a Cheating Winker

The angry Sheldon with the roommate explains the later Big Bang Theory, but honestly it's not a real person. Real geeks bond over things that units them, like comic books in Big Bang Theory....

but he and the new "roommate" should've bonded over the game.

HATE how we have to feed negative stereotypes for TV. which then negatively affect others across the planet.

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Young Sheldon: 7x02 A Roulette Wheel and a Piano Playing Dog

This missed one point. People who get challenged at how much they don't know become far more humbled. Sheldon's experience with the little girl tutor checks, but his take away doesn't. Ah well, it's TV not reality.

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I gave it a 5 overall. Like everyone else it was just to repetitive to be really interesting. Early on, it was nauseating 16th the every woman he comes across cramming over him, but someone must've told them that was not working.

However, they got me in episode 12 with Jensen. I was just listening for noise while working on other stuff, and heard his voice. That was a really good call to add him. Guess we'll see how far that goes.

5/10 for the season overall, but we'll see if the stories get more compelling.

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American Fiction
Doctor Who


Am starting to hate Davies. These scripts (4 in technically) suck. He's turning the Doctor into some Disney nonsense instead of writing true Doctor Who for Ncuti. It's insulting to both the actor and the fans. AND I've tried, but I HATE the Ruby character. Four episodes in and there's been no real development of the Doctor, Ruby or their relationship. Tells us the character and/or the actress are the wrong pick for the show.

HATING this though. If this garbage is because of Disney, find a new American partner, like Paramount Plus or Max or Starz. At least then it could be the cutting edge we expect.

PS. That religious punt in 4 (3 by the non special count) could've been more subtle. The priest collars were over the top. it could've been written in better or left out completely. Either Disney is ruining the Doctor or Davies has hit his creative limit with the Doctor. I'm leaning towards Disney messed this up.

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Doctor Who: 1x03 Boom

This is the worst scenery in a Doctor Who episode in years. And, I'm getting sick of Ncuti's Doctor not really doing anything like the other Doctors. Plus I'm hating Ruby at this point. This reminds me how they tried to sideline the last Doctor with a male sidekick.

This episode could've been so much better if they had interacted with the base, but no. Let's spend the whole thing in a hole. PLUS, yeah let's have some stupid thing around some little girl, and Ruby and some side charger that doesn't even exist anymore.

I'm ready for Ruby to move on, new sidekick, and new season. This one sucks.

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Cold Justice: 7x02 Silenced

I have always been impressed by her due diligence and closing every single snafu. But they were immediately convinced as soon as they went to the suspect with what they had, but he claimed he didn't like oral sex swearing no way his semen would be in the victim's mouth. BUT immediately the male officers jump all over their own personal likes. Now sure, most men lover oral sex and whine incessantly about not getting it. WHITE men especially. So if would sound like BS immediately to them, but it's a HUGE hole. There are men who don't like it, feel like at least one of those women would know this, either from trauma or from teeth issues with who they have been with, etc etc etc. They didn't follow up because the two male officers just jumped. So they didn't follow up to make sure women he had been with didn't say, oh yeah he loved it.

She's getting sloppy. She always double checked every version of "facts" she was presented before. Abusive man, sure very likely, but this was sloppy.

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The Equalizer

WOW talk about triggering the racists and misogynists. HAHAHA.

This show is phenomenal and the only reason CBS/Paramount Plus keep screwing it over is because they use review averages and polling like YouGov which is overrun with racist bots to decide what they think their viewers want. If the actual viewers didn't like strong women and were racist pieces of shit, then The Neighborhood and Ghosts would be suffering also.

But back to an actual review...

This show is great!! It breaks racial AND sexiat stereotypes. Even more amazing it includes a wonderful strong female teenager role that we just don't see anymore. Lala DeLeon Hayes is just an amazing young actress. The whole cast is great, but her portrayal just really brings the show together. I think we are going to see great things from her as she evolves both in this show and long term.

The show really honors the original show with Woodward, while also expanding the ideas of family and friendship that were often lacking from the original.

9.5-10/10, unless you're a cry baby triggered racist or misogynist.

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League of Gods

Terrible, other than the graphics, and even those are pretty low compared to current Hollywood standards. Fantasy based on an actual historical figure, one that current China would like to demonize (not debating the political aspects, just pointing out facts). So the script kind of twists a Chinese fairy tale with a real figure.

The "Medusa" effects of the Fox/Queen are done quite well, but it's not making up for the crappy acting which is way, way over the top, even for a Chinese, kung fu, fantasy film.

I think the one thing that really stood out was the fact they couldn't show any of Chinese dance in the beginning of the movie. That wasn't some gross theatrical error by the director. China forbids it, so if you're making it for a Chinese release, no Chinese dance allowed. It's absolutely absurdity that China has outlawed one of the most magnificent Chinese arts, but hey, they have outlawed several. Just comes with the territory if you want to sell within China or even Hong Kong now. (shrug)

Had to turn it off. it sucks. Don't waste your time. 2/10 and that's being too generous honestly.

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The Stones and Brian Jones
Doctor Who: 1x02 The Devil's Chord

It felt like it was going back to the Doctor Who adult fan version.... until the very end. The Last twist at the end was unnecessary and annoying. The time could've been better spent developing the Maestro. Until that absurd end, it was on track to be a 9. but that ending sunk it to a 6.

BBC might have better partnered with Paramount Plus or Max to make it easier for Americans to watch it. It just feels like this musical nightmare is a sorry attempt to turn Doctor Who is into a Disney princess movie. Don't get me wrong. I love Disney princess movies, just not in my Doctor Who.

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Doctor Who: 1x01 Space Babies

This sucked. The rest of the season better be better.... I love Ncuti. And have been super excited even after the dismal Ruby Road troll thing. But this was both disgusting and too childish. Maybe Disney involvement is ruining the messaging that Whovians are accustomed to. This came off as made for children rather than the fan base. I hope it gets better.

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Doctor Who

Okay.... the Ruby Road Xmas episode was already too directed at kids, maybe because of Disney's involvement... although that makes no sense since Disney makes plenty of adult stuff.

But after watching the 2nd episode? Enough is enough. if it keeps like this the whole season, they screwed up Doctor Who. going to keep an open mind, but really disappointed after episode 2.

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Criminal Record
A Snowy Day in Oakland

Cute movie. The set is like a roll back to those 1960-70 TV shows and the whole story follows that kind of flashback in a way. Very creative.

The actors are some of the best. The script was cute. Just feel like it needed better chemistry between the actors. Felt like only a handful of screens had the chemistry right, but that often happens with lower budget movies because they rush through filming.


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Leavenworth: 1x05 Chapter Five, The Fight Continues

Was it really necessary to show ALL the lies and the dumbass NYT reporter at this point? Trying desperately to make it sound like it was all this half cocked LT?

Their previous platoon leader wrote in his statement to CID he would never allow a motorcycle near his men even if they knew them.

They went after the gay guy at the brigade level and these jerks are still lying, especially that Staff Sargent, in the biggest case of CYA ever, because the brass isn't saying anything and last thing they were told is it's him or you.

And, again, it could've always been told about the gay boyfriend's video, the transfer. to a frontline combat team almost immediately, even without the previous LT statement.

And yeah, Mommy Dearest. Her fault. He never would've been there if not trying to prove something to her.

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