

Kitchener, Ontario

Red Right Hand

Yup, nothing new here plot-wise but on the whole, really good version of the same old thing. The daughter played by Chapel Oaks was just the right mix and not overly dense like kids tend to be portrayed way too often. And I'll admit it, Bloom's grown on me some.

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The Beekeeper

It's Statham doing what he does best. Surprisingly good and doesn't take itself to seriously.

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Silent Night
Hidden Strike

Starts out promisingly enough but quickly decends into a pile of predictable, lame noise that was impossible to finish. Cena and Chan are NOT a good pairing.

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Black Lotus

There were some great parts of the movie. Like, just before it started, my girlfriend called. I love when she calls me at random like that. And right after the closing credits, I made a grilled ham and cheese (uh, YES ketchup on the side please). In between though, while not horrible, it's certainly not a good movie. It's a grind to get through and felt like they cast the lead through a contest on the radio or something. On the other hand, in spite of it's cut and paste plot, it had some not awful moments. Some actors in it that looked like they just need a good script to work with.

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Fast X

As a fan of the franchise and someone with a more than healthy ability to suspend disbelief, sad to say that this movie caused me so many eye-rolls that I was afraid they might get stuck that way. A script that included cars vs submarines at the North Pole seems positively Shakespearean compared to this one. Momoa had some fun with the role obviously but damn, I can't believe that after 10 kicks at the can and a pretty dope cast, this one beats Tokyo Drift for the badge of Worst F&F yet. I've enjoyed the ride gang but if this is the next gen of franchise, then drop me off at the next corner - I'll Uber from there.

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High Heat

It was surprisingly not horrible. Slow start but kinda fun if you look past the worst parts of it.

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Paradise City

Do you remember those 80s/90s Made-for-TV movies based on some random detective novel starring that supporting actor from that popular movie five years ago who is now just looking for enough work to keep their insurance benefits active? Yeah, this felt like that. And wtf with the blooper reels? Felt more awkward rather than fun, behind-the-scenes antics...

As Willis' swan song, however, I promised myself that I'd watch the entire film no matter what. And I did.

Bruce (cause I know you'll read this) if sitting through this entire mess of a movie doesn't prove my admiration and respect for your amazing career, then nothing will.

Thanks for the memories, Bruce. You were one of the best.

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