Travis Gosselink


Pella, IA

New Girl: 4x17 Spiderhunt

It's amazing how similar popcorn machines and vaginas are lol

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The Vampire Diaries: 6x15 Let Her Go

This episode had me in all kinds of stupid tears, damn you VD!

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American Horror Stories: 2x02 Aura

What a piece of Schmidt

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Primal: 1x01 Spear and Fang

WOW this was brutal and hit me in the feels at the same time! I love how there is no dialog, but the story being told is crystal clear. Excited for the next episodes!

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The Walking Dead: 6x08 Start to Finish

That metaphor at the beginning with the ants streaming in through the window was fantastic.

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The X-Files: 3x03 D.P.O.

WTF Jack Black is in this episode LMAO!

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The Big Bang Theory: 9x04 The 2003 Approximation

Thor and Dr. JoOOoones one plays with lightning and the other plays with boooooones lmao

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The Big Bang Theory: 8x16 The Intimacy Acceleration

It was nice seeing Sheldon open up for a change :)

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Star Wars Rebels: 2x16 Shroud of Darkness

One of the best episodes in the series!

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Sense8: Season 1

I really enjoyed this! I wish I could feel a connection to another person like that, it was really moving.

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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: 1x03 Kimmy Goes on a Date!

Kimmy: I'm a mole woman.
Siri: That's messed up.


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Castle: 7x16 The Wrong Stuff

All the scifi references in this episode warms my Firefly heart :D

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x12 Species Ten-C

This episode is the reason why I watch the show, I love the unknown

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Marco Polo: 2x02 Hug

The title of this episode says it all... WOW

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Master of None: 1x03 Hot Ticket

This episode hits really close to home!

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The Last Man on Earth: 1x05 Dunk the Skunk

"Our babies need to have sex with other babies, that's just parenting 101!" bahahha

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 10x08 The Gang Goes on Family Fight

Show me DRAGON! OMG I'm dying hahaha

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Vikings: 3x02 The Wanderer

I can't even begin to imagine how painful getting your arm cut off and burned like that would be...

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See: 1x03 Fresh Blood

Holy Sh!t Baba Voss went full beast mode! This is what I've been waiting for!

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Prison Break: 5x01 Ogygia

It's already got me hooked, time to see where this new adventure leads!

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Love: 2x09 Housesitting

Can we just pretend like nothing happened and hope no one notices?
That's my whole philosophy in life.

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Ash vs Evil Dead: 1x10 The Dark One

That girl has a legit scream

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The X-Files: 7x11 Closure (2)

This episode made me legit tear up...

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The X-Files: 4x02 Home

Man this episode was messed up!

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American Horror Story: 5x01 Checking In

Schmidt has really gone off the deep end lol

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I thought this movie was actually fairly intense, kept me on the edge of my seat at least.

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Glee: 6x13 Dreams Come True

They couldn't have picked a better song to end the series. BRAVO

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Parks and Recreation: 7x13 One Last Ride (2)

Great ending to a fantastic show! The best part for me was Ron's big smile in that canoe, pure bliss :)

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Vikings: 3x01 Mercenary

First episode of the season and they are already raiding, love it!

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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Why did I wait this long to watch this movie... man that was good!

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