Travis Gosselink


Pella, IA

One Tree Hill

This is one of those shows that I want to keep re-watching every now and then because the characters were so well developed that I feel like I miss them as actual friends.

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American Horror Story

They just released the teaser for the next season!

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The X-Files

So stoked they are bringing this back!

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I've always liked Ben McKenzie as an actor, so I'm really looking forward to this!

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That old lady is gonna make things very interesting this season :D

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Hell yes trailer for the movie is out!

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This show is way better than I thought it was going to be. Kind of more easy to follow version of Game of Thrones :)

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Samurai Jack

Just found out this is coming back to Adult Swim in 2016!

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The Strain

Yessss it just got renewed for a second season!

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Mr. Robot

I'll take as much as I can get. Evil corp, Tyrell, Shayla, this show just has so many interesting elements. From hacking to the awesome meta reference about the portrayl of hackers to drug addiction, so intense. Malek is killing it as a cynical Elliot and the writing makes the cast shine even more. Looking forward to more.

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Dr. Ken

Isn't terribly funny, but I'll keep watching and see how it goes.

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Man Seeking Woman

As a 28 year old male, I relate to this show sooooo much. It's like they know exactly how my brain works and it's fun to be able to visualize it!

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The Crazy Ones

RIP Robin Williams :( Most celebrity deaths don't bother me, but this one hits hard.

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Marco Polo

I'm really enjoying this series. In some aspects, it reminds me of the History Channel's 'Vikings' which I love as well!

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Sense8: Season 1

I really enjoyed this! I wish I could feel a connection to another person like that, it was really moving.

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Just rewatched this AGAIN and I still get teary eyed at the end of the movie because of how amazing it is.

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Community: 6x02 Lawnmower Maintenance and Postnatal Care

"And Jesus wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer!" bahaha

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Growing Up and Other Lies

I honestly got bored watching this... :(

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The Walking Dead: 5x15 Try

So Rick kinda went off his rocker...

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Community: 6x03 Basic Crisis Room Decorum

The dialogue between the asian kid and the dean was fantastic hahaha!

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Community: 6x10 Basic RV Repair and Palmistry

OMG the ending of this episode was dark LOL

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Only God Forgives

I really liked this movie. Similar to TRON: Legacy, I view it more as a work of art rather than focusing on the plot. The music and lighting just visually appeal to me and it has left me with a lasting impression.

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New Girl: 4x22 Clean Break

This is one of the best episodes I've seen in awhile, great ending :)

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Got bored and made a music video for Stargate last night!

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Parks and Recreation: 7x13 One Last Ride (2)

Great ending to a fantastic show! The best part for me was Ron's big smile in that canoe, pure bliss :)

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Sherlock: 4x02 The Lying Detective

She taught me to be the man she already thought I was.
Who she thought I was, is the man who I want to be.

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New Girl: 5x01 Big Mama P

“I never thought I would fall for the slim, hip ghost of Tom Cruise” lol

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Not quite what I expected, but it was still a very well done movie. As weird as it it, it made me uncomfortable at times in a good way if that's even a thing lol

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The Bachelor: 20x01 Week 1

After this first episode I'd say my top 2 picks for this season are Lauren B. and Olivia.

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