

Easy Street.


Making it in B&W. Why? It isnt clever or cool, just annoying.

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The Fall Guy

Utter garbage. This has to be the worst movie of the year. Cant believe Gosling & Blunt would waste their talent on such crap, (unless the paycheck was VERY large) Moronic plot, mostly unintelligible dialogue, unfunny, unromantic & uninteresting. Dont know who the target audience was, apart from die-hard Gosling fans, but it certainly wasnt aimed at anyone with more than 2 functioning brain cells. Truly awful!!!

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Shout by Trevskie

Bloody Netflix! Superb series ending on a cliffhanger, and now they make us wait for part 2! I Hate Netflix! Best thing on it for ages, imho, they give you the full season of rubbish shows, then split this! Fuming!

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The Umbrella Academy

Really enjoyed this more than I thought I would! Aidan Gallagher stole the show as Number Five- who returned thru time as the mature 5 but in his younger body. He really nailed the part until it was hard th believe he is actually just fifteen yrs old! Recommended viewing!

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x06 Stormy Weather

I didn't think this could get any worse-wrong! Total waste of time, removed from Trakt watching etc. Tilly is the most annoying character ever, (surpassing even Jar Jar Binks) closely followed by the rest of this touchy-feely, woke bunch of a crew. Bad,bad,baaad!

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Shout by Trevskie
BlockedParent2021-12-18T09:05:31Z— updated 2021-12-19T20:51:36Z

Looking forward to this, especially as Sam Elliott is in it. Owner of the best western moustache ever! He brings a great presence to anything he's in. Isabel May, excellent as narrator, looks remarkably like a cross between Jenifer Lawrence and Natalie Portman! A future star in the making.

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News of the World

A good story, well told. I think both Hanks and Costner have improved with age, primarily by choosing roles befitting their years instead of trying to be action heroes etc like some of their peers. “Let Him Go” the recent Costner film and this one see both playing their age, and turning in fine performances because of it, rather than in spite of it. Hanks has a list of classics to his credit, along with some stinkers, but if you can place The Green Mile, Road to Perdition, Saving Private Ryan amongst your credits, you’ve done well! This isn’t up there with those gems, but it’s a good solid performance in a watchable tale that does him credit.

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Avatar 5

This is plain f#*kin stupid! Trakt is losing all grip on reality. 2 isn't released until the end of the year, and if it's a box office flop, which it will be, then it's game over and Trakt is listing 5? Does anyone at Trakt actually see this shit, or is it just a bot gone wild?

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Ray Donovan: The Movie

Shout by Trevskie
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-01-11T21:45:57Z— updated 2022-01-14T23:19:48Z

Love Ray Donovan! In the absence of another season, this will have to do, and after watching it, it does brilliantly. Loose ends tied up, mostly, still leaves you wondering what will become of Brigette, Bunchy and Terry, and if Ray survives. Being the tough cookie he is, I sincerely hope so, and somehow gets away with it and makes a better life. Can't help but love Ray, despite his flaws. Liev Shreiber, absolutely perfect as Ray, cannot imagine anyone else coming close. One of the best series ever.

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The Nevers

Two comments, three woke refs. Bout time some 'woke' up to the fact that short of trying to sound ever so hip, the word has become so over used and misused that it's lost any meaning whatsoever apart from labeling it's user as a tool.....

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FBI: 1x11 Identity Crisis

Trakt is way out with its dates recently. This episode aired the other day....

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x09 Subspace Rhapsody

Loved this show up to this episode, a step to far, however for me. No! Star Trek "The Musical" is beyond all logic!

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The Ipcress File

Absolutely superb! Different in almost every way from the original, more twists than a Chubby Checker album, excellent 60's detail. I hope they follow it with "Funeral in Berlin"

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Star Trek: Picard: Season 2

Hurrah! At last a proper Star Trek series! This is everything the absolutely awful Discovery was not. Looking forward to the coming episodes!

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Let the Right One In

Hmmm, 3 plays, 2 collected. Please let me know where you get the time machine that lets you watch and collect episodes aring in 2022! I think I can put it to better use than watching TV shows!

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Das Boot

Excellent! Another “Sky exclusive” that has been shown just about everywhere except the UK! I’m sick of getting second best when it comes to series being shown here months after everyone else has seen it! I managed to watch this online and enjoyed it a lot. You have to separate yourself from the original, and go with the premise that this story is set 9 months after the original Das Boot. Do that, and you won’t be drawling comparison with the original, which is impossible to better, but this series has a damn good try. I see season 2 has been agreed. I look forward to seeing it, hopefully at the same time as everyone else on the planet!

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Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

Awful! Not one likable character, all annoying.Somone should have murdered the writer!

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Moon Knight: 1x05 Asylum

Probably great, if you are 10-12yrs old, otherwise total crap. Series deleted. forgotten. Except for Oscar Isaacs god-aweful English accent, which will haunt me everytime I see him from now on.

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Hey Joel

Why is this shit showing up as episodes of 1883?

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Star Trek: Discovery: Season 4

Where this series fails, compared to all other Star Trek series, is that they all were based on stand alone episodes, sometimes linking back to previous shows, but if one episode was so-so or crap, next week's could be excellent. When this starts out with an ongoing storyline that is unengaging from episode 1, you know it's not gonna get better! Also, as others have already mentioned, the discovery crew are from 900yrs in the past. Burnham piloting anything would be like putting Amelia Earhart in an F16! Beyond credibility. I also agree about the 'kids' comments. I call it the "Scrappy Doo Syndrome"! Introducing kids into anything is a death knell. I f/f through a lot of the last series, looks like the same again.....

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1x03 The People vs. Emil Blonsky

While the 1/2hr storyline format is enjoyable, its no excuse for the reduced quality of the cgi which is poor by 2010 standards, and spoils the show! ps- being English & living in the UK, I have absolutly no idea who Megan Thee Stallion is, thankfully.

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The Responder

Quite good, but Martin Freeman is turning into Bob Mortimer!

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Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

Great- until Ben Kingsley appears! like Dick Van Dyke's Bert the chimney sweep, in Mary Poppins, there for stupid comedy effect, it became less Marvel, more Disney with silly creatures to appeal to kids. Surprised they didn't burst into a typical Disney nonsense song as they burst through the jungle! Was it Supercalifragalisticexpiallidocious? no, but it was ok in parts. The action sequences were probably to violent for young kids, so drop the cute, kids stuff. iIf they make another, stick to the Marvel style, don't pander to the Disney overlords and it could be very good all round!

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Sex Education

without sound, you would think it was american, but they all speak British. where is it supposed to be? Could'nt stand enough of it to find out! utter garbage, waste of Gillian Andersons talent....but I suppose the money was good. Would have to be, to appear in such crap!

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Warhorse One

Ten minutes of this cheaply made junk was enough! Obviously filmed in USA mountains, its absolute crap, dont waste your time.

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Wow! As a lifelong fan, easily the best biopic of Marilyn. Amazing to look at, each outfit (and sometimes every pose) is carefully chosen from one of a thousand images we have all seen, giving a feeling of familiarity to every shot. A dark and sometimes disturbing look at a Monroe we often suspected dwelt behind the stunning façade of (until Diana) the most famous and photographed woman of the century. Ana de Armas is brilliant as the troubled star, so good you can almost believe it's actually her, especially in her eyes that have that sad, haunted look sometimes caught in photos of the real Marilyn. In the end a moving and terribly sad portrait of a tragic, flawed, iconic beauty. A must see!

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Wrong Place

How many dogshit baad movies can Willis make in a year? Every month another steaming pile appears!

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Reading the script/plot/synopsis, how did any studio allow this utter crock of shit to be made? Emmerich has made nothing but junk since Independence Day, and this is the worst yet.

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Nightmare Alley

Cannot agree with many comments on this being overlong. It has the slow burn of a classic noir, something that younger generations don't seem to appreciate, being more used to the fast cut, short attention span movies that seemed to have proliferated since the MTV pop video changed the way movies look. Having also seen the original, anyone thinking this was slow paced would quit the Tyrone Power orig. after the first 20mins! This is another masterful work by Del Toro, better than The Shape of Water, and deserving as much, If not more of it's success. For those who appreciate storytelling above implausible stunts and CGI, your in for a treat!

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Avatar 4

2026? This 'antisipated' should be renamed imaginary or just plain crap! 4yrs is a lifetime in moviedom!

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