

New York, NY


3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Nope’:

  1. I kept waiting, and waiting, for this film to get good. For the moment when things kick into high gear and it earns that price of admission. For me, it never got there. It always teetered on the edge of something fun and edge-of-your-seat… but it remained uneventful despite its seemingly-momentous scenes.

  2. The pacing was all sorts of wonky. It felt like there were a lot of disconnects here, a lot of questions. Scenes that went on too long. Unrealistic character reactions and decisions. My scalp is sore from all the head scratching. I just wish this were a more structured story with all the ideas it contained.

  3. Great cast, but the character of OJ was incredibly bland and emotionally flat. A more compelling lead character may have risen this film above all its flaws.

Bonus Thought: What was the significance of the mysterious balancing shoe?

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The Good Place: 3x12 Pandemonium

I adore this show. It might be the most wildly imaginative series I’ve ever watched.

But am I the only one feeling zero chemistry between Chidi and Eleanor?

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Oppenheimer’:

  1. Much of the film, particularly in the beginning, felt more like a montage than a movie. The scattered-ness of the scenes created a disconnect that made it difficult to absorb what exactly was going on.

  2. Why the black and white? What purpose did that serve? I’ll probably find out at some point, but it’d be nice to know in real time.

  3. I certainly didn’t expect Nolan to give us Oppenheimer for Dummies, but I really wish he would have. Performances were clearly impressive (I’m looking at you, Cillian), but they’re hard to fully appreciate when everyone is having rapid-fire conversations about fairly complex situations — and you’re too busy trying to keep up. This being my biggest qualm.

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Australian Survivor: 10x24 Episode 24

An amazing season ends with a bit of a whimper. Only because the three of them basically got by because of George. And Liz didn’t finally “decide” to get rid of him… it was a bit of a stretch for her to claim that… bc it was the only rational decision for everyone to make in that moment! Nobody was gonna vote for Gerry.

George’s gameplay is unmatched, by any Survivor player, ever. The fact that he made it THAT far is unfathomable, and worthy of endless praise. I began to get bored once he was voted out, because he was the only one truly worthy of the win.

Still, out of the three left, the right person did come out victorious. And it really was a fantastic season with a spectacular group of castaways!

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 1x04 Chapter Four: Witch Academy

@Abstractals, is there anything you actually like?

I appreciate a quality review and all - good or bad - but, from my perspective, you really love to tear down a great series (ie. The Good Place), episode by episode by episode. Frankly, I’m always surprised you continue to watch. Maybe slow down on the Haterade and simply allow yourself to be entertained?

P.S. Sabrina is a super fun show. I’m excited to see where it goes. And Aunt Hilda is everything.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 15x15 Reunited!

I cannot wait to watch Mistress lose next week. Next-level arrogance and she clearly revels in bringing others down.

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Talk to Me

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Talk to Me’:

  1. It peaked with that brutal scene, when the game took a violent turn (I straight-up gasped), which was fairly early on, and the rest of the film never really reached that level of shock again.

  2. Was it just me, or was the audio pretty awful? So many conversations were unclear. I couldn’t understand how the mom died. She took too many pills, on accident, and then clawed at the door? How does that work?

  3. I really liked the concept of the hand (albeit somewhat confusing). And I think it’s interesting to see it used as some sort of party game. But when characters are dumb enough to revel in something so awful, it’s difficult to care about their fate. I wasn’t fully invested in them.

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Survivor: 43x08 Proposterous

I fell asleep during this episode. Is it just me, or is this season pretty darn boring?

I’m simultaneously watching the Australian version and I’m beginning to think — with the incomparable Jeff Probst aside — that it’s superior. Check it out if you haven’t!

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Halloween Ends

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Halloween Ends’:

  1. You’re tasked with creating a franchise-ending chapter of a legendary horror series with the iconic star/character that started it all, and this is what you put together? A “final” Halloween film that’s barely about Michael Myers. GTFO. Missed opportunities GALORE.

  2. The relationship with Laurie and her granddaughter starts out healthy and promising. A nice setup for chaos to ensue. Two seconds later, Allyson is ready to ditch her family for a random dude. So many out-of-character moments that made zero sense.

  3. This wasn’t the film to introduce (and focus on!) a character like Corey. Maybe mid-franchise this could have been done to mix things up a bit. Friday the 13th kinda sorta did that, where the killer wasn’t always Jason. But NOT this time, not when you’re touting a final face-off between Michael and his Final Girl. You’re setting your fans up for disappointment.

Bonus Thought: I’m officially pretending that this new trilogy never existed, back to when Laurie Strode was Michael’s sister and everything made sense.

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Ghostbusters: Afterlife

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife’:

  1. The best parts of the movie were, hands down, all the nostalgia… the reunions, the music, and the easter eggs. And I thought the tribute to Harold Ramis was beautiful — and incredibly impressive.

  2. I kinda hated the complete lack of any Ghostbusters 2 recognition.

  3. It was a cute movie, and I enjoyed it, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. I’ve been scratching my head to decipher what exactly was lacking… but, honestly, I just think the story itself is simply forgettable. It started out with potential, but ultimately wasn’t strong enough for such a legacy. I can appreciate revisiting Gozer, but it felt like a miss to me. I think I would’ve preferred more of an original story than what felt like a rushed rehash.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 15x13 Teacher Makeovers

I admit that Loosey can be a bit intense and often on the edge of taking herself way too seriously, but I don’t disagree with her here. Mistress’ teacher look was basic, and Luxx’s was even worse. Honestly, both of them haven’t been overly impressive all season. I would feel slighted too.

Even despite a VERY lackluster lip sync, Loosey deserved to be in the finale. Ross’ shoe critique was quite a stretch. Talk about splitting hairs unnecessarily, when there were other obvious missteps for this challenge. All-in-all disappointing. I’m not surprised when viewers believe this show has a preset agenda.

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Don't Look Up

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Don’t Look Up’:

  1. Yeah, it was funny. But it was more scary and depressing, considering how it aligns way too closely with reality. And I know that was the point. They really did hit the nail on the head. This film is truly the black mirror of our country.

  2. The random quick-shots of real-world moments were powerful. Interlaced with all the insanity, it did a great job depicting how wondrous and wild our lives can be on this beautiful planet — and how much we take for granted.

  3. This was a great cast. Awesome to see the ever-talented Jennifer Lawrence again. Great performance from DiCaprio, which I’m sure was powered by his real-life passions. And I really do love Meryl in comedy. She’s so subtle and I’m here for it.

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Squid Game: 1x04 Stick to the Team

That may be the best television cliffhanger I’ve ever seen. My goodness.

Side note: I’m a bit confused about the undercover cop’s story. The whole morse code thing is leaving me scratching my head. And is he now a circle guy or a square guy? I’m a little lost there.

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Loki: 1x06 For All Time. Always.
Servant: 2x05 Cake

I’ve never seen anything with a burn as slow as this. It’s becoming intolerable.

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Dark: 3x05 Life and Death

Wow... three major deaths in one episode. Crazy stuff.

Kudos to the casting department, yet again, with young Peter this time. It’s insane how I can instantly tell who these characters are based on the resemblance alone. Incredible!

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Dark: 3x04 The Origin

Why does it feel like this season has very little to do with the first two?

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The Good Place: 4x11 Mondays, Am I Right?

Eleanor and Chidi STILL have ZERO chemistry — and I honestly think their relationship has been detrimental to the show.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 5x11 You're Still Here

WTF did I just watch???

Is there a (rational) reason Alicia isn’t killing the dead? Did I miss an entire episode somewhere?

Why would Victor decide to basically dance around the walker in the tear gas until he can’t see?

Why would Wes kill the dude for a manuscript AND THEN NOT TAKE THE MANUSCRIPT?

And, finally, why does all their deep, self-explorational banter ALWAYS SOUND LIKE THE SAME THING?

This show is becoming increasingly difficult to watch. I may be in the minority, but I don’t find Morgan interesting whatsoever. His cryptic dialogue is beyond tired. Same same same. There are ZERO compelling arcs driving the story forward. Nothing is happening.

Rant over.

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RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 9x05 Property Queens

When you take all the stakes away (aka no eliminations, prizes they aren’t winning for themselves, etc.), there’s clearly no sense of urgency to learn your lip sync lyrics. I love seeing all the queens every week, but we lose an element of what makes the show compelling.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Saltburn’:

  1. Wow, that was a journey. I wish I went in a little more blind. I definitely knew too much, but I was still very captivated by this story. It’s the kind that definitely lingers with you for a bit.

  2. These two male leads. My goodness. First, Barry Keoghan is one helluva talent. That final scene is iconic. If it didn’t involve nudity, we’d be seeing it in future award show montages. He seemed fearless and absolutely nailed it. And to make me pity and cringe for Oliver one moment, and then rethink everything in a flash… masterful. Second… Jacob Elordi… lawd help me. That man overflows with such charisma and charm. And that voice. I fell in love with Felix too.

  3. I have so many questions: Was everything part of the plan? Or was Oliver making decisions on-the-fly? Was he motivated by money and privilege? Or did he really desire companionship? Did he truly love Felix? I’d like to believe so. Because, before Felix discovered the truth, I believe he truly loved Oliver. Having a multitude of questions usually takes away from my experience, but I’m actually okay with these.

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: 5x10 Episode 10

I am SO happy with this win. She is so deserving for so many reasons.

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: 5x09 Episode 9

Another great episode! Also, I don’t dislike Tamara, but I think she’s borderline obnoxious. Just a little too extra. Ginger and Michael, on the other hand, are absolute class acts. Excited for the finale.

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RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 8x10 The Letter "L"

I dunno… I’m feeling so conflicted after this episode…

Jimbo CLEARLY deserves to be in the finale, hands down. A finale without Jimbo, to me, is not one I’d enjoy watching.

But something feels very inauthentic about Kandy choosing Jessica to go home. If she REALLY wanted that title and prize, choosing Jimbo’s lipstick would have been a no-brainer.

I guess we’ll find out more behind Kandy’s decision next week… maybe she simply stood by her alliance… maybe she wants to beat the best competition… maybe she wants to avoid the internet rage for sending Jimbo home. Who knows.

I think about when Manila was voted off All Stars 4. The shock of it all. It was unfair and infuriating, but it felt real. I think that matters.

As much as I still love this show, it’s losing more and more of its pizazz. We don’t hear nearly enough from the judges anymore, and any critiques we do hear sound very watered down and sugary. I miss when they didn’t hold back.

All in all, I’m excited to see Jimbo take the crown.

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Black Mirror: 6x05 Demon 79

If you’re thrown off by this episode and the obvious fact that it doesn’t align with the Black Mirror mentality, Google “Red Mirror” and read what Charlie Brooker has to say.

This was a solid episode with great performances. You’re allowed to appreciate the story regardless of the box it’s apparently supposed to fit in.

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Black Mirror: 6x04 Mazey Day

People are hating on this episode, and I get it. But if this were an episode of The Twilight Zone, I think it may have gotten more praise… because it wasn’t awful. And points for it going in a direction I didn’t expect AT ALL. But, for Black Mirror, it definitely missed the bar.

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From: 1x09 Into the Woods

Why does Jade ALWAYS HAVE TO YELL? He needs to take it down a notch. It’s a bit much.

Also… I understand that we need character-building, but there are way too many inane chats that don’t advance the plot. Let’s get a move on already.

I will say that the ending was surely interesting.

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Survivor: 44x13 Absolute Banger Season

Yam Yam’s big personality came across, to me, as “showy” and forced. I was not enamored by it like everyone else. And I don’t believe he was as strategic as everybody perceived him to be. He clearly wanted Carolyn out for a while, but failed at convincing anyone else. So I’m not thrilled with the winner. (Although it beats last season.)

I was really rooting for Carolyn, but happy she reached the end. We, as an audience, were lucky to have watched her play. Such a unique and genuine contestant.

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Survivor: 44x07 Let's Not Be Cute About It

Carolyn is everything. Such a unique personality, and she comes across as super authentic and a breath of fresh air for a show where we’ve seen so many personalities. Really, really rooting for her.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 15x12 Wigloose: The Rusical!

Lux is a hateful bitch. And her drag is basic, continuing to forever rely on body.

Am I the only one who feels bad for Loosey? Yeah, she’s a bit intense… but this competition clearly means a lot to her. And isn’t that how it should be? That’s still important, right? Cut her some slack.

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