George Tzikas


Larissa, Greece

Game Night

Man, glass tables are acting weird tonight!

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The Office: 5x23 Broke

Well, well, well. How the turntables...

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The Office: 3x18 The Negotiation

Dwight: Everyday, for eight years, I have brought pepper spray into this office to protect myself and my fellow employees.
And everyday, for eight years, people have laughed at me.

Well, who's laughing now?

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The Office: 3x10 A Benihana Christmas

You have been compromised.
Abort mission.
Destroy phone.

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The Office: 2x17 Dwight's Speech

Dwight's speech was priceless! LMAO

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The Office: 3x21 Women's Appreciation

Dwight: Anti-flashing task force! Above the sink. Above the sink. Hmm. PAM!

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The Office: 3x05 Initiation

364 days till the next pretzel day.

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The Office: 3x16 Business School

Stanley: Goooood bye.

Died laughing!

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The Office: 5x26 Company Picnic

Great way to end the season ;)

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The Office: 3x23 The Job

Michael: Your advice was good, but Jan's was bigger.

Also that ending was <3

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The Office: 3x13 The Return

Andy: [punches a hole in the wall]
Michael: ...who loves this place so much, he punched a hole in it.

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The Office: 5x25 Cafe Disco

What a great episode. And expresso.

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The Office: 5x08 Frame Toby

NOOOO! GOD! No, God, please no! No! No! NOOO!

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The Office: 3x14 Ben Franklin

Dwight: Are you near sighted or far sighted?
Ben Franklin: Both. That's why I invented the bifocal.
Dwight: GAH!!!

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The Office: 4x14 Goodbye Toby

Great season! What an ending!

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The Office: 3x03 The Coup

The L I A R tag was hilarious!

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The Office: 4x12 Did I Stutter?

Stanley: But what do you do?! You find a way, dammit, to top it! You are professional idiot!

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Mr. Robot: 4x08 408 Request Timeout

Holy moly! I hope Dom survives.

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Mr. Robot: 4x11 eXit

What the actual ?! Sam, you mad man!

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The Office: 5x01 Weight Loss

Great episode! Also, poor Toby! :/

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Chernobyl: 1x01 1:23:45

Powerful pilot.

"You can contain information, you can't contain nuclear isotopes."

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Silicon Valley: 5x05 Facial Recognition

Died laughing with the lips!

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Mr. Robot: 4x07 407 Proxy Authentication Required

Outstanding episode! A true masterpiece.

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6 Underground

I feel like a Jedi!

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Futurama: 5x05 Kif Gets Knocked Up A Notch

"4 million lines of Basic"

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Chernobyl: 1x02 Please Remain Calm

"These were scientists that understood that they were trying to solve a mystery in a system that did not want them to solve the mystery"

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The Office: 5x13 Stress Relief

Such a great episode! What an intro!

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The Office: 4x09 Dinner Party

What an awkward episode! You get to learn all those details. :P

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Better Call Saul: 4x10 Winner

Great season! S'all good, man.

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The Office: 3x22 Beach Games

Well done P A M!

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