

Omicron Persei 8


movies, shows, and seasons I plan to watch


My favorite TV shows and movies.


most anticipated series. returning series


most anticipated series. returning series

Hue 1968. Michael Mann
The Man In The Rockefeller Suit. Yorgos Lanthimos
Iran-Contra. Yorgos Lanthimos


One of the gifts a movie lover can give another is the title of a wonderful film they have not yet discovered. Here are more than 300 reconsiderations and appreciations of movies from the distant past to the recent past, all of movies that I consider worthy of being called “great.” / Roger Ebert



"The best Japanese film of every year – from 1925 to now"

via /


01–18 / venezia 77 competition
19–28 / out of competition. fiction
29–39 / out of competition. non-fiction
40–42 / out of competition. short films
43 / out of competition. special screenings
+ 30 Monedas — 30 Coins. Álex de la Iglesia. ep. 1

44–62 / orizzonti. competition
63–74 / orizzonti. short films — competition
75–76 / orizzonti. short films — out of competition

77–86 / giornate degli autori. official selection
87 / giornate degli autori. closing film
88–91 / giornate degli autori. special events
92–93 / giornate degli autori. miu miu women's tales
94–101 / giornate degli autori. venetian nights

102–108 / sic. film critics' week. competition
109–110 / sic. film critics' week. special events
111–112 / sic[at]sic. competition
113–119 / sic[at]sic. special events

120–132 / venezia classici. restored films

133–134 / biennale college cinema


The list of films that should have been part of the 73rd edition.

01–56 / official selection

57–61 / semaine de la critique

62–64 / quinzaine des réalisateurs

65–75 / short films competition
76–80 / cinéfondation selection
+ Neurim. Shaylee Atary
+ Muralla China — Chinese Wall. Santiago Barzi
+ Contraindicatii — Contraindications. Lucia Chicos
+ Tamou. Tzor Edery & Tom Prezman
+ Catdog. Ashmita Guha Neogi
+ NihČe Ni Rekel, Da Te Moram Imeti Rad — Nobody Said I Have to Love You. Matjaž Jamnik
+ Taipei Suicide Story. KEFF
+ Seonginsik — Twenty. Kim Min-Ju
+ Carcasse — Carcass. Timothée Maubrey
+ Ja I Moja Gruba Dupa — My Fat Arse and I. Yelyzaveta Pysmak
+ En avant — When We Leave. Mitchelle Tamariz
+ Dou Zeoi Gu Si — The Last Ferry from Grass Island. Zhang Linhan
81–90 / semaine de la critique. short films

91–98 / acid lineup

99–130 / cannes classics
+ Charlie Chaplin, le génie de la liberté. Charlie Chaplin, The Genius of Liberty. Yves Jeuland
+ Antena da raça. Paloma Rocha & Luís Abramo


01–18 / competition

19–33 / encounters

34–53 / berlinale special

54–88 / panorama

89–112 / berlinale shorts

113–147 / forum
148–174 / forum expanded
175–203 / forum & forum expanded. 2020 anniversary programme

204–262 / generation

263–271 / perspektive deutsches kino

272–306 / retrospective. "king vidor"
307–311 / hommage. helen mirren
312–327 / special programme. “on transmission”
328–333 / berlinale classics
334 / countdown

335–347 / berlin critics' week

348–355 / berlinale series


01–16 / u.s. dramatic competition
17–28 / world cinema dramatic competition

29–38 / next
39–58 / premieres
59–67 / midnight
68–74 / spotlight

75–78 / new frontier: films

79–94 / u.s. documentary competition
95–106 / world cinema documentary competition
107–120/ documentary premieres

121–126 / special events
+ Hillary. Nanette Burstein. four-part docuseries
+ Love Fraud. Rachel Grady & Heidi Ewing. four-part docuseries
+ McMillions. James Lee Hernandez & Brian Lazarte. first three episodes. docuseries
+ The Trade. Matthew Heineman. two episodes. continuation of the Showtime docuseries

127–144 / u.s. narrative short films
145–163 / international narrative short films
164–178 / animated short films
179–200 / documentary short films

201–202 / from the collection
203–205 / kids


01–21 / competition
22–39 / un certain regard
40–44 / out of competition
45–57 / special screenings
58–59/ midnight screenings
60 / the last screening

61 / quinzaine des réalisateurs: opening film
62–83 / quinzaine des réalisateurs
84–85 / quinzaine des réalisateurs: special screenings
86 / quinzaine des réalisateurs: closing film

87 / semaine de la critique: opening film
88–94 / semaine de la critique: competition
95–96 / semaine de la critique: special screenings
97 / semaine de la critique: closing film

Short and Medium Length Films
98–108 / short films competition
109–125 / cinéfondation selection
126–135 / quinzaine des réalisateurs: short films
136–145 / semaine de la critique: short films
146–150 / semaine de la critique: short films — specialscreening

151–175 / cannes classics

176–183 / cinéma de la plage

184–192 / acid lineup
193–195 / acid trip #3: argentina


01 / venezia 76 competition: opening film
02–21 / venezia 76 competition
22–27 / out of competition: fiction
28 / out of competition: closing film
29–38 / out of competition: non-fiction
39–45 / out of competition: special screenings

46–64 / orizzonti
65–77 / orizzonti: short films. competition
78–79 / orizzonti: short films. out of competition

80–85 / sconfini

86 / venezia 76: special event

87–97 / giornate degli autori. official selection
98–103 / giornate degli autori: special events
104–105 / giornate degli autori: miu miu women's tales
106–110 / giornate degli autori: venetian nights
111–113 / giornate degli autori: lux prize
114 / giornate degli autori: closing film

115 / sic. film critics' week: opening film. out of competition
116–122 / sic. film critics' week: competition
123 / sic. film critics' week: closing film. out of competition
124 / sic.sic: opening short film
125–131 / sic.sic: competition
132 / sic.sic: closing short film

133–152 / venezia classici: restored films
153–161 / venezia classici: documentary films
162–164 / biennale college cinema


01–17 / competition
18–23 / out of competition
24–35 / berlinale special

36–80 / panorama

81–103 / berlinale shorts
Flexible Bodies. Louis Fried
How to Breathe in Kern County. Chris Filippone
Rang Mahal . Palace of Colours. Prantik Basu
The Spirit Keepers of Makuta’ay. Yen-Chao Lin

104–109 / berlinale classics

110-116 / berlinale series
* One Second by Zhang Yimou has been withdrawn from the Competition line-up.


01–20 / tiff 2019: gala presentations
21–75 / tiff 2019: special presentations
76–80 / tiff 2019: special events
81–90 / tiff 2019: midnight madness
91–145 / tiff 2019: contemporary world cinema
146–156 / tiff 2019: masters
157–166 / tiff 2019: platform
167–203 / tiff 2019: discovery
204–240 / tiff 2019: wavelengths
241–266 / tiff 2019: tiff docs
267–321 / tiff 2019: short cuts
322–327 / tiff 2019: tiff cinematheque
328–333 / tiff 2019: primetime


01 / opening night gala
02 / closing night gala

03–12 / official competition
13–21 / first feature competition
22–30 / documentary competition
31–42 / short film award

43–51 / headline galas
52 / strand galas: festival gala
53–65 / strand galas: thrill
66–77 / strand galas: laugh
78–102 / strand galas: dare
103–116 / strand galas: cult
117–143 / strand galas: debate
145–168 / strand galas: love
169–193 / strand galas: journey
194–205 / strand galas: create
206–212 / strand galas: family
213–222 / special presentations

223–229 / experimenta
230–243 / treasures

244–315 / short film programmes
316–342 / short film programmes: experimenta


official selection + directors' fortnight + semaine de la critique

01–21 / competition
22–39 / un certain regard
40–46 / out of competition
47–54 / special screenings
55 / closing film

56–74 / directors' fortnight

75–81 / semaine de la critique: competition
82 / semaine de la critique: opening film
83–84 / semaine de la critique: special screenings
85 / semaine de la critique: closing film

86–103 / cinéfondation
104–111 / short films


official selection + directors' fortnight selection

01–19 / competition
20–37 / un certain regard
38–46 / out of competition
47–62 / special screenings

63–81 / directors' fortnight

82 / semaine de la critique: opening film
83–00 / semaine de la critique: competition
00–00 / semaine de la critique: special screenings
00 / semaine de la critique: closing film
00–00 / semaine de la critique: short films
00–00 / semaine de la critique: short films. special screenings


01–21 / venezia 75 competition
22–23 / out of competition: special events
24–33 / out of competition: fiction
34–43 / out of competition: non-fiction

44–50 / film critics week competition
51 / film critics week out of competition opening film
52 / film critics week out of competition closing film


01–21 / venezia 74 competition
22–34 / out of competition
35–42 / out of competition docs

43–51 / film critics week

52 / tv series

53–63 / venice virtual reality
La Camera Insabbiata. Laurie Anderson & Huang Hsin-Chien
Greenland Melting. Nonny de la Peña
Draw Me Close, Chapters 1–2. Jordan Tannahill
Gomorrah VR – We Own the Streets. Enrico Rosati
Separate Silences. David Wedel
Alice, the Virtual Reality Play. Mathias Chelebourg. tt7395338


01 / opening film
02–19 / competition
20–24 / out of competition
25–36 / berlinale special
37–43 / berlinale special: series

44–70 / panorama

71–116 / berlinale forum

117–134 / panorama documentary


01 / opening film
02–18 / competition
19–24 / out of competition

25–77 / panorama

78–92 / berlinale special
93–98 / berlinale special: series

99–157 / berlinale forum

158–000 / berlinale shorts
