Viper Du'Vark



Avatar: The Last Airbender
Crank: High Voltage

Although this sequel to Crank is entertaining in its own way, it was pretty much the same as the first one with just a few changes here and there. In an attempt to raise the bar for craziest and nuttiest action movie out there they up the ante on the gory violence and added these quirky interruptions like a Godzilla like fight scene and an interview type afternoon show like Jerry Springer periodicity throughout the film. I wasn't a fan of the latter addition. While it kept the same format from the first film, Crank: High Voltage slowed down just a little bit on the thrill ride compared to its predecessor. As I said at the start Crank: High Voltage was still entertaining in its own way; I had a lot of fun watching it. Hopefully they can make a third film some day.

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Hollywood Homicide

This is a story about two police detectives in Hollywood. One detective works as a real estate agent on the side. The other teaches yoga while pursuing an acting career. This tale sounded promising for an action-comedy mix film to me, but for Hollywood Homicide it fell short. As far as the comedy part goes there was only one scene that got me to laugh in the whole movie, the scene in which the main leads are being interrogated by IA. Everything else was just "bla". While this tale was an interesting take as an action-comedy style film the overall plot felt boring too.

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I don't know why this film is getting a ton of bad reviews, but I loved it! Sure it is 90 minutes of just car chase scenes with few breaks, but that is what I loved most about the film. Was it the greatest movie of the year? No, but was it also the worst movie of the year? Heck no! I could name a dozen other films that was way more worst than this.

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With a mix of action-comedy and things blowing up Transformers turned out to be an entertaining blockbuster to watch. Michael Bay did a really good job bringing the robots to life. They looked as real as a CGI robot could possibly be. Because this is a Michael Bay film you can expect the acting and story line to be subpar. Bay's true talent is making great action scenes and he delivers them well. Still five years later the action in this movie gives me thrills every time I watch it.

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Rush Hour 3

This movie wasn't as great or funny has the first two films, but nevertheless it was enjoyable to watch.

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Live Free or Die Hard

This movie was great! The best I've seen this year alone. Tons of action, and it was also humorous through out the movie. It might not have that same feeling as the old movies because of it's PG-13 rating, but it was still great to watch.

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The Bourne Ultimatum

This movie has got to be my favorite out of the three. I really enjoyed how well they've blended the first two films with the 3rd one. The only thing I didn't like about the movie was the fact it took Bourne just over half the movie to get to New York. Everything else was just perfect.

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Spider-Man 3

I wanted to love this movie so much, but I just cant. As much as the action scenes where great, there where to many slow moments. Those moments where you can quickly go grab a refill on that pop, or use the bathroom and know your not missing anything important.

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Just like Chev Chelios who can't stop moving otherwise he'll die from the poison that was injected into him, this film is always on the move from the start of the movie to the credits rolling at the end. There is little down time in this film unlike most movies in its genre which slows down on the thrilling action to give time to develop the plot, but just because it doesn't whine down for the plot it does well intertwining the development of the plot with the action. Besides the thrilling entertainment you can get from this film, this film never takes itself seriously mixing in a few number of humorous scenes as well which were all funny making it a fun film to watch at least more than once.

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Batman Begins

If Sam Raimi set the bar for what a superhero film needs to be in his Spider-Man films, Christopher Nolan took that bar and smashed it and then replaced it with his own bar set even higher than the one set by Raimi. Nolan took the Batman franchise to new heights. Batman Begins is the best superhero origin film that is out there (still to this date in the year 2012). The acting was great with an excellent cast and the darker story line (compared to other superhero films which is more light) was amazing. After watching Bale as Batman, I thought he was born to play the role. Also some of the action scenes weren't bad at all. I enjoyed how Nolan wanted to make the film as real as a fantasy film could be by changing the look of the Batmobile and what the future Batcave could look like as a couple of examples; the film turned out better for it.

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Inside Man

Inside Man is an excellent witty heist film. The plot was brilliantly written and Washington and Owen's acting were both exceptional; in fact all the cast in this film were all phenomenal. Just after Clooney's Ocean's Eleven, Inside Man comes second as an all time favorite heist film on my list. This was a solid entertaining film from start to finish.

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The Italian Job

This film although has the penitential to be a great heist film feel short of something special. While The Italian Job has an excellent cast and the heist themselves were entertaining to watch unfold, the plot seemed mild to me with the element of a revenge flick mixed in which it doesn't pull off well. Besides the plot overall The Italian Job was very thrilling to watch even for just seeing the cast and the heists themselves and still better than most other films in its genre.

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Ocean's Eleven

This remake of Ocean's Eleven is the best heist film I have ever seen! Not only does it have a super cast and great acting, it also has an excellent plot as well. This film had smarts, great comedy, and serious attitude that mixed well. The cast all had great chemistry together especially Clooney and Pitt who seemed like they had a fun time working with each other. Ocean's Eleven is an instant classic that I'll never get tired of watching over and over again.

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Ocean's Twelve

Ocean's Eleven's sequel didn't have the same spark I thought that its predecessor had. The cast and acting are still amazing and some of the wit and smarts shows, but the story line wasn't as interesting to me this time around which made it less fun to watch compared to the other two films in the trilogy. Ocean's Twelve is still an entertaining film to watch through and through but it's my least favorite of the trilogy and a film I usually skip sometimes if I want to watch Ocean's Eleven and Ocean's Thirteen.

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Ocean's Thirteen

Ocean's Thirteen wasn't as great as the first one in the trilogy but it was a big step up to the second film. All the original cast is back again except for Roberts, which I was cool with the film should focus more on the core gang of thieves themselves. Once again the acting was great and the story line was a step up from Ocean's Twelve. It was an incredible and fun film to watch.

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Sadly when people reference Whedon's previous work they say either (pre-Avengers) Buffy or Angel or both hardly does Firefly gets dropped. Serenity is a continuation of that television show which was a diamond in the rough. Even though this film was based off a television show that only ran 11 episodes on FOX before it was pulled, Serenity is actually a decent entertaining film that can rival most other Sci-Fi films out there. This film was humorous and thrilling at the same time. The plot of the film which helped tie lose ends of the television series was original and entertaining to follow and the cast were all excellent. Fillion is the best!

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The Matrix

The Matrix raised the bar and pioneered in crazy special effects and action scenes for any future action movie to try to achieve for years to come. This film was a masterpiece. The acting was subpar and story line wasn't half bad, but the real gem was all the action this film packed. It was extremely fun to watch. The Wachowski brothers did an amazing job creating something special here.

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The Matrix Reloaded

While mostly others thought The Matrix Reloaded didn't live up to its predecessor I thought it did and exceeded it. Again like the first one the acting wasn't special but at the same time I thought the story line got a little better and the action in the film was ramped up to a new level compared to the first. Like others has said that chase scene was the best I've seen in an action movie that I can think of; which should have been a no-brainier because they built their own stretch of freeway to film it. Matrix Reloaded is an excellent sequel to The Matrix.

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The Matrix Revolutions

The Matrix trilogy lost some of its fire in the last film. The story line felt boring most times and most of the action I felt that was great in the first two films wasn't in the last. I feel like this was a side effect of The Wachowski brothers trying to focus more on the real world and Zion than the Matrix which let's be honest the best action scenes were of that inside the Matrix. In the end Matrix Revolutions turned out to be a disappointing conclusion to the trilogy. Still despite its flaws, Matrix Revolutions shouldn't be skipped if you haven't seen the whole trilogy as it was still somewhat "just a little" bit entertaining to watch.

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The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift

I have to admit, when I first watched The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift I hated it. None of the casts from the first two films are in the third one except for one actor who only shows up in the last ten seconds of the film in a cameo role. On top that the acting was much worse than the previous films and the story line was more lame and boring as well. It wasn't until after I got to see Tokyo Drift's successor Fast and Furious when it hit theaters that I found a new sense of appreciation for Tokyo Drift because of Kang's "Han" which gave the feeling that Tokyo Drift felt like it belong in the franchise whereas before it felt like it didn't... to me at least. Still with my new sense of appreciation Tokyo Drift still is the weak link in the franchise.

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2 Fast 2 Furious

This film was less entertaining than the first film in the franchise. With the entire main cast from The Fast and the Furious not in attendants for 2 Fast 2 Furious except for Walker I felt the film was missing some of its spark because of it. The acting was on the same level as the first and the story line was kind of the same rehashed story the first one had except for two or three changes. Nonetheless even though the cast mostly changed and the kind of same story line is there the eye-popping action this movie delivers was fun and thrilling to watch.

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The Fast and the Furious

The Fast and the Furious is a great action blockbuster. The cast wasn't half bad with the acting sub-par. The story line was interesting to follow, and the races were fun to watch with eye-popping action. If you love car chases, races, or any kind of action film, you'll love this. The Fast and the Furious franchise is one of my favorite film franchises out there.

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Gone in Sixty Seconds

Although Gone in 60 Seconds is one of Cage's better films in my opinion I felt this film was very slow at starting up. In fact the whole first half of the film fells boring most times. It's not until when the mid marker starts when it starts to pull my intention back into the film as they start stealing the cars. Also some of the acting from some of the cast seemed like a joke at times.

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This movie was pointless. The whole time while I was seeing this I kept looking at my cellphone counting down the time when the movie was over.

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Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Great movie. The battle at the end of the movie was very satisfying, and it was left open for the possibly for a forth movie.

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Knocked Up

Wasn't as great or funny as the 40 Year Old Virgin, but it was funny nonetheless.

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It was awesome to see Statham and Li together in the same movie, they both worked well with each other. While the action in War was top-notch and amazing, the overall plot of the film was just subpar. By saying subpar I mean that the plot was interesting, fun, and entertaining to follow through most of the movie until about 10 minutes left of the film when the final main twist is shown and then my interest is lost quickly and I no longer was having any fun. I was very disappointed in how the movie ended. I believe that an ending helps make most of the movie. If the ending fails, that bad feeling you feel after you leave the theater will cloud how great the rest of the film actually was, thus overall downgrading how you enjoyed yourself watching that movie.

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American Pie

The first American Pie was hilarious funny and downright raunchy which works for a teen comedy like this. As I grew up since then and seen many films after this, looking back on this film from the late 1990's I can see the acting failed at times, more noticeably by Natasha Lyonne, but each one had their moments. I can't fault them, things in the movie business have changed since then; but nonetheless the cast was great and the story was well done. This film was born to become an instant classic. It really had shaped up some other movies like this in its wake, plus it created life to the term MILF which people use still to this day. Not many films can do that.

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The Dark Knight

I felt that The Dark Knight was if only just a tiny bit less entertaining than the first film Batman Begins, but by just slightly which isn't bad because it is still in the same league as the first one. Nolan continued to bring his flare to his version of Batman in The Dark Knight trilogy. Bale, Freeman, Caine, and Oldman all turned in great performances again in this sequel and with the addition of Eckhart and Ledger which also had great performances as well the cast was excellent and the story line was engaging to watch. Ledger did amazing work bring the role of The Joker to a new darker direction unlike anything seen before.

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