



This John Woo film was originally an unused TV pilot, starring Dolph Lundgren as a badass bodyguard.

I can best summarize the tone of this movie with 3 plot points:
1. Dolph's character develops a fear of the colour white, because he was close to a bright grenade explosion.
2. When he sees a psychiatrist about this debilitating phobia, her medical advice is to just wear sunglasses.
3. There's a gunfight in a milk bottling plant, naturally. I'll give you one guess as to whether his sunglasses fall off....

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The Hole in the Ground

How did she get out of that hole??

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Great example of a so-bad-it's-good movie. It had a ton of unintentionally funny moments.

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Goodnight Mommy

Disturbing, but the "twist" was pretty obvious early on. Nonetheless, it was suitably creepy and tense.

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Actually quite a good slasher/action movie, which makes great use of the setting. Some cheesy bits, and it could have been a bit shorter, but the speed boat chase through canals makes it worthwhile!

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Born to Fight

Crazy-good CGI-free stuntwork here. Like getting kicked off the top of a moving semi and bouncing off another moving semi on your way to the ground!

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Den of Thieves

Obviously very inspired by Heat, including the entire opening sequence. Made me just wish I'd watched Heat.

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Saw this based on a recommendation, then realized the recommendation was for Terrified, not Terrifier.

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Happy Birthday to Me

Interesting Canuxploitation slasher gem filmed in Montreal. It features some inventive kills and a group of teen characters that are a bit more fleshed out than the usual slasher cast. However, its ending takes a sharp left turn that feels a bit tacked-on.

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Pretty Maids All in a Row

A raunchy serial killer comedy written Gene Roddenberry, featuring Scotty (James Doohan) and Kojak (Telly Savalas). I'm not saying it's good, but it's crazy that this exists.

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The Evil Eye

This is a duplicate record, the real movie is at https://trakt.tv/movies/the-girl-who-knew-too-much-1963

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Dracula 3D

Astonishingly awful. Not only would the CGI would be bad for a movie that came out 10 years earlier, but it's used so needlessly, like Argento's trying to take you out of the action. Even things like the lighting keep you from suspending disbelief - why is a forest at night lit up with floodlights?? Definitely give this one a miss.

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Ainsley Eats the Streets

Shout by w1nt3r
BlockedParent2018-01-17T05:46:09Z— updated 2018-07-28T14:38:25Z

Like Anthony Bourdain’s travel/food shows, but with a host who’s fun and gracious.

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Atomic Blonde

John LeCarre meets John Wick.

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It Comes at Night

I saw this with knowing much about it other than it had gotten some festival buzz. The marketing did seem a bit misleading - it implied something supernatural, but that never happened at all. In fact, frankly, it's not clear why night is dangerous at all, other than maybe it's easier to run into infected people?

Anyways, it's beautifully shot, but other than that it was a disappointment. I feel like the whole examination of "how people can behave and fall apart in close quarters after a post-apocalyptic event" thing has been done better many times before.

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The Counselor

Never before have so many talented people come together to offer so little. What a waste.

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Hungry Wives

This is really pretty terrible. The concept is interesting (suburban housewife starts dabbling in witchcraft), but in practice the movie is meandering and slow. It's also flawed on just about every technical aspect: the editing is sloppy and amateurish, the acting is very mixed, and the cinematography makes it look like an ambitious home movie from the 60's.

A definite pass, even for George Romero fans.

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The Devil's Chair

I saw this as part of my efforts to see everything on twitchfilm.com's list of the 50 best horror films from 2000-2009. But it was actually very disappointing. The constant freeze-frames with snarky voice-over narration were incredibly irritating. It was trying to be very "meta" and comment on what horror fans expect out a horror film, but rather than doing it in an intelligent way like The Last Horror Movie or Funny Games, it just came across as cheap. It's basically a B-movie putting on airs.

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The Prowler

Pretty average slasher movie, but featuring some very realistic special effects work.

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A Field in England

It literally took me four viewings to watch this without falling asleep early on. While I love Ben Wheatley's other movies, this one was just not captivating at all.

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AFI's 100 Years... 100 Thrills

The Rosemary's Baby entry seems to have a problem with it (the link doesn't work and there's no rating info). It might need to be replaced.

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