Ollie Webber


Southampton, England

Late Night with the Devil

One of the most anxiety-inducing horror movies I've ever watched. The film teases and builds throughout its runtime until it implodes in horrendous and glorious fashion. A must watch for horror fans.

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Ted Lasso: Season 3

Season 3 of Ted lasso is stretching its concept beyond breaking point. Side characters taking over the runtime with boring plot points, preachy political/social messages constantly and overly sentimental soppy dialogue. Why did the episode runtimes need to be so long this season? The breezy 30 min episodes of earlier seasons were easy watching but the show struggles to fill 45min to hour long plus stretched runtimes with anything interesting.

The finale does at least mostly stick the landing, but thank god they decided to end it now and didn't drag it out longer. 5/10.

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Better Call Saul: Season 6

Despite a wobbly second half, the final season of better call saul ultimately ends on a satisfying note that ties the two shows together and caps off our time in this universe perfectly.

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This Is Going to Hurt

An emotionally devastating look at one mans experience as a doctor in the NHS. Gripping and emotional. One of the best shows of the year.

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Severance: Season 1

A bold, mysterious and highly conceptual show that is a must-watch for fans of Science fiction.

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The Boys: Season 3

After a slightly disappointing season 2, season 3 of The Boys is exciting and well written, fleshing out the world of the show with new and interesting characters whilst also developing our core cast in new ways. Looking forward to seeing where the show goes from here!

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Atlanta: Season 3

Season 3 has been a very mixed season for me. The main plot of the show has lost focus and instead they have brought in these one off 'vignette' episodes that vary wildly in quality. The show seems to have lost its identity somewhat, with the move to Europe for this season and the aforementioned vignettes. I worry the show is also becoming too obtuse and for lack of a better word, 'pretentious' at times.

Best Episodes:
Three Slaps
New Jazz
The Old Man and the Tree

Worst Episodes:
The Big Payback
Trini 2 De Bone
Rich Wigga Poor Wigga

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Bo Burnham: Inside

The direction, lyricism, themes, lighting, music, all exceptional. The sheer amount of talent and craft from Bo Burnham to produce a special like this in the worst possible circumstances. An incredible performance with a deeper message that deserves to be dissected and discussed for years to come.

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Loki: Season 1

Certainly the best Marvel offering from the year so far, just beating out Wandavision.

Had low expectations going in given how long we have had Loki in the MCU, but his adventures in the TVA proved to be very interesting and hooked me in from episode 1. It takes the MCU in a very new direction and I look forward to see what future movies and TV shows will do with the setup the show has provided.

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The Expanse: Season 5

What the hell happened with this season???

The Expanse was one of the most promising sci-fi shows of the past decade, but they really dropped the ball with this season. It felt drawn-out, meandering and probably worst of all dull (at times). Some characters fared better than others (What a shit season for alex, bobby and naomi). The major mystery carried over from season 4 regarding the big mysteries of the show are completely absent here, dropped to focus on new villain Marcos Inaros, by far the worst villain the show has produced, especially after Burn Gormans brilliant turn as Murtry in Season 4.

I sincerely hope they can rescue this show for its final season on Amazon with Season 6 next year...

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The Last Dance

Thrilling. Stunning. Mesmerizing. A peek behind the curtain at one of histories greatest sports teams. The time and effort put into the documentary is simply outstanding. I knew almost nothing about basketball going into this show and I've come out wanting to know more and more.

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Ted Lasso

Just finished season 1 and I honestly never thought I would see a sitcom like this come into existence.

Sudekis has done a great job blending the optimistic sitcom stylings of the US with the more down to earth and cynical take you often get from british sitcoms. It is somehow both wholesome, uplifting and at the same time tackles some tough issues and weighty subject matter. The title character played by Sudekis is charming and likable but also vulnerable and flawed and a fascinating character to watch as the first season unfolds. Possibly Sudekis' best work to date.

Looking forward to season 2!

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Spiral: From the Book of Saw
Saw II

Saw II is by no means a bad film, but the cracks had definitely began to show for the series.

The plot this time around is not as strong as the first, but is still interesting and fairly different from how Saw I sets itself up. We get a much better picture of who Jigsaw is, and its the first of a strong set of performances from Tobin Bell. Again the focus isnt really on gore and shock, not yet anyway.

This film does start an annoying trend of having absolutely clueless and annoying characters. Some of them act so irrationally and it makes you wanna shout through the screen at them. Again, I am not a fan of the editing nor the cinematography and I have a feeling it only gets worse in the coming films.

Could've been worse I suppose. Not bad... maybe a bit meh. 6/10.

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Halloween: Resurrection
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later
Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers
Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers

Oh boy, this is when they start to get really bad...

The film starts off by showing how Michael hilariously escaped an explosion at the end of the last film and how a random man brings him back to full health, for some reason??? Its really stupid.

The main crime this film commits is being really dull. The main girl this time around is Rachel who briefly appeared in the fourth film. This character is incredibly irritating to watch as she bumbles from one scene to another, completely failing to see that her friends are being murdered. Pleasance and Harris give it the best they can but their material is also pretty weak in this film.

All in all, this film feels very pointless. A bridging film between the mediocre Halloween 4 and the downright awful Curse of Michael Myers. Boring, silly characters, pointless story. 4/10.

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Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

This film has some things going for it that I believe ultimately make it a not bad follow up to the first two films in the franchise. The return of Donald pleasance as Dr Loomis was a fan-pleasing move and the performance from Danielle Harris as Jamie is commendable for such a young actress. The score is again used well and the direction is not half bad. The film falters in ambition, as it is really another re-tread of the first film. It also gets a bit silly towards the end with the gang of locals going after Michael Myers, and I will never get tired of seeing Michael sat in drivers seat of a car, something about this is really comical. The ending is also rushed and very sequel-baiting.

Not a bad film overall, certainly not as bad as what was still to come. 6/10

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A bona fide classic of the horror genre, but by no means the best of the genre. The original Halloween has impeccable direction and sound design, a staple of John carpenter's work. The film is subtle and creepy, preferring to let you do a lot of the guesswork when it comes to it's villain and his motives. The score has since become iconic and for good reason, as it is masterfully composed and utilised well throughout the runtime.

Whilst I would argue that by today's standards the film is not particularly scary, I would level that same criticism at the slasher genre as a whole. This films remains in my eyes the best the slasher genre has to offer, and a must-watch for horror fans.

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Halloween II

Halloween II follows in the steps of the original to produce a very safe but entertaining sequel. Whilst it does overindulge in gore, the suspense is still palpable and the change in setting is interesting enough. But for me, the film ends up feeling too safe, almost copying the blueprint set up in the original film. It's good, not great, but still miles better than the low points for this series.

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Halloween III: Season of the Witch

Whilst the film is not without merit, such as it's fun soundtrack and some interesting ideas, it ends up being a convoluted and silly film with a goofy villain that doesn't fit into the franchise at all. Why is it even called season of the witch when it has nothing to do with witches?? Fans were surely left begging for Michael Myers to return

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