

Omicron Persei 8


Shout by wema
BlockedParent2020-08-26T00:18:00Z— updated 2020-08-27T22:43:21Z

Hmm, feels like they are trying to hit 'boundless rick and Morty' and 'nuanced Bojack horseman'. with just a dash of bobs burgers.
countless cliche or token characters that make the overall show feel a bit, (barely) different characters, same story. the comedy seems very in your face. that can work for some people but for me, it feels like it constantly has the potential of being funny then 75% the way in a majority of the jokes they overdo something. whether it be over-explaining, (and especially) over delivering the joke, sweating excessively (this I the first time in the last 15 years I have felt like something had excessive swearing to the point it affects the quality of the show/movie. though the storyline seems intriguing enough. to keep it short, I'm still watching. the comedy funny enough, but it's so on the nose it feels like its shooting past its potential. in the end, it's good enough to keep watching. though I don't believe it has enough to truly be memorable.

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South Park: 14x10 Insheeption

I'm- actually a sheep herder

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Game of Thrones: Season 8

Visually pleasing, the storyline is thrilling and quality is either better or worse, I can't necessarily tell. I can't help but wonder happened between season 6 and season 8 that made them turn this show into a Hollywood blockbuster? I've never felt like a show was doing things just to complete a checklist than in this season. if they made it 2 episodes longer even they would have so much room to improve the ending plot and really wrap things up without it feeling excessively cheap. they really put lipstick on a pig with this one. its visually stunning you can definitely see that budget. but why was the budget (even just 1M of that 15M per episode... ie 1M/90M) put towards proper writing.

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Incredibles 2

Hats off to the animation team. Though this is 100% a cash grab type of movie and it really shows. The story, the characters, the motive. It all feels kind of cheap. Incredibly predictable, if you are 10% sure who the true antagonist is. Allow my to correct your math and tell you there is no was it’s not 100% that. I never used to understand when people said “back in my day” until Disney x Pixar started learning how to kill dreams and make money.

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Mean Girls

I hate how this is my most watched movie...

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AMAZING!! Favorite Disney Princess Movie!

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Mad Max: Fury Road

I started watching as a background movie to the work I was doing. within 60 seconds I had but my laptop down and was consumed for the next 2Hrs. you are immediately taken in by the so perfectly done action scenes and encapsulated in the Cinematography.

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