Sean the Mondasian Cyberman


Scarborough, England

The Mitchells vs. the Machines
Animals on the Loose: A You vs. Wild Interactive Movie
Enola Holmes
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
School of Rock
Maggie Simpson in "The Force Awakens from Its Nap"

I'm sure this one probably means more to Star Wars fans, but it was a sweet little short regardless.

BB-8 helping Maggie out with the pacifier was a cute moment, and I loved seeing Maggie's lightsaber fight with the monobrow baby Gerald.

Clever too how they incorporated the Star Wars title crawl in order to explain Maggie's return from the dead.

At only four minutes, it's very short, but these Maggie Simpson shorts never fail to make you smile.

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Wonder Woman 1984
The Elephant Man
Blade II
Johnny English Strikes Again
Christopher Robin
Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway: 17x02 Episode 2

Ignore the idiot who gave this a one star review. This episode wasn't the train wreck some like to claim that it was. Yes, there were some technical hiccups, but this is a live show being made in the middle of a pandemic - not the easiest set of circumstances. When you consider what they have had to deal with, it's nothing short of remarkable that they can still even put this show together.

And it's still the fun show it has always been. Read My Lips with Gordon Ramsay was an utter riot, Singalong Live was entertaining as usual, Undercover with the pandas surprising the children adorable, and Win The Ads provided just the right amount of tension. Even the sketch Double Trouble Part One had some hilarious moments, with giggle-worthy references to Would I Lie To You and Great British Bake Off.

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Musicals: The Greatest Show
The Martian

Wow, this film does not waste much time. It throws you right in at the beginning, with the Mars mission that strands our main character Mark Wattney, and going in that was something that took me by surprise. In a good way, I might add.

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Captain Tom: We Salute You

Quite a moving tribute to an inspirational figure to many. I suspect some will probably complain about Michael Ball's inclusion, but to me it was quite fitting that he presented it, given that he was a close friend of Captain Tom, and that Captain Tom was a fan of his. This tribute really shows how much good work he did for charity though, and how he did more for the NHS in that short bit of time than the government has ever done. It's always great to see so much money raised for charity.

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Rhod Gilbert: Stand Up To Infertility

A funny and frank insight into the subject of male infertility. You've got to applaud Rhod Gilbert for having the guts to speak about a subject as sensitive as this; it clearly must have been very hard for him, and the way that he combines the serious nature of the subject with his trademark humour is effortless. My favourite parts revolved around the ad agency, and later telling people in the shopping centre he was actually Rob Brydon when wearing the eye walker. It was funny, but it also helped raise awareness about a subject we rarely think about. And it was truly shocking to hear how the pandemic affected people's treatments of infertility. It really goes to show how much COVID has affected society as a whole.

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Deadpool 2
The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Michael McIntyre: In His Own Words

Better than your standard Channel 5 documentary. There's some interesting rare archive clips here, and there's a clear voice behind this TV film, which is different to other documentaries on Channel 5, which tend to offer quite bland takes on the subject matter. Some of the video quality of the vox pops and clips is quite poor - I'm sure they could have found clips from The Michael McIntyre Chat Show and Big Show with better picture quality in places - and there is a bit of repetition in places, but it's a solid effort for Channel 5.

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Wonder Woman
A Christmas Carol

This is a Christmas Carol adaptation I have always wanted to watch, but something has always got in the way when I have tried to and stopped me. And after having finally watched it since having been desperate to see it since I was 13, it did not disappoint.

It's a surprisingly more dramatic telling of A Christmas Carol than I expected, and I would have liked to have seen more of Robert Zemeckis's trademark humour, but this version to me is a very fun and enjoyable adaptation of the Charles Dickens classic.

Jim Carrey is absolutely fantastic in the titular role of Scrooge. He is so perfectly cast, and such a natural in the part, that I don't think Disney could have got the casting much better.

And the animation is absolutely stunning!

There are odd moments before the ghosts arrive where the lighting is a bit too dark, and it's hard to see anything, but for the most part it's stunningly animated. The human characters are a bit like those in The Polar Express; extremely realistic, and very convincing; almost like real people have literally been converted into CGI models.

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A mildly entertaining if largely derivative Christmas film. There's not much new here; it's basically a mash-up of Elf and Arthur Christmas, with the fish out of water comedy of Elf mixed with the 'Santa Claus as a business' plot point of Arthur Christmas.The iPad running joke is pretty neat though, and the Snta Claus training idea adds something new to proceedings (as does the concept of a Santa into Yoga).

And it is quite bold for a Christmas movie to begin by killing off a Father Christmas off-screen. I doubt many Christmas films would dare go that far!

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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
The Real Right Stuff

A bit of a lazy effort by Disney. It's all a number of archive clips edited together, with no linking narration or talking heads. Instead the only segways are through pieces of text that flash on the screen at random intervals.

The documentary does use snippets of audio from past recordings by the author of The Right Stuff book Tom Wolfe, among others, but you get the sense it was cobbled together in a small amount of time purely to act as a tie-in to the new Right Stuff TV Series on Disney Plus.

The archive footage is interesting to see at the very least, and does suggest there would be plenty of material for future seasons of The Right Stuff, but I just wish there was a bit more to this documentary film.

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Half a Sixpence

Quite a charming little movie. Half A Six Pence has so many catchy songs that still stand up today - my favourites being Economy, the titular Half A Six Pence, Banjo Song and of course Flash Bang Wallop.

Whilst in places it does feel quite dated by modern standards (which can't be helped as it was just the time it was made in), it has such a great sense of comedy, particularly the quips regarding moments such as Artie's threats to kill himself and Anne's retort 'No, not yet anyway'.

I really like the character of Anne, although I do think the second act suffers from how she seems to disappear for a large chunk of it whilst Artie is with the posh family, and it could have done with Anne being a bigger part of the romance between Artie and Helen Walsingham.

You can't understate just how great Tommy Steele is as Artie. It's such perfect casting; he has the cheeky persona that the character requires down to a tea, and it's hard to imagine anyone else in that role.

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Marvel Studios: Expanding the Universe

Great seeing early footage for Marvel's What If (which looks very promising), but other than that nothing of much substance. It basically plays as one big advert for Disney Plus.

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Prince William: A Planet For Us All

A powerful and inspiring message about how much the environment needs our help against climate change. Prince William makes for a natural documentary presenter, and it's always nice to see Sir David Attenborough pop up in these things.

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