

Brussels, Belgium

Arcane: 1x09 The Monster You Created

What a fucking masterpiece of a show

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Loki: 1x06 For All Time. Always.

Shout by Mateusz

Honestly this episode could have been condensed into 5 or 10 minutes. Too much talking and just in general nothing really going on until the end, and then we get a predictable plot twist. I mean just a bad season finale. It just sprinkles enough at the end to keep you interested for the second season. Unless season two is better, this show ain’t worth it at all. But on the other hand I’m tired of waiting for the second season every damn time. It used to be that the pilot is supposed to hook you. And don’t get me started how much of a scam 6 episodes in one season is.
Overall this episode was just meh, which doesn’t make it look very good since it’s the season finale.

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To be honest, quite a weak beginning. I really would like to like this, but I feel like not much happened this episode, and Mark has still not been promoted from his position of the token punching bag. The start of the episode was great with the introduction of alternate Mark's but then the episode decided to slow wayyyy the fuck down. The very end was fine, but again it felt like 10% of the episode, the beginning another 10%, and the rest was not so important to moving the story forward. Oh and now the girlfriend is suddenly all gung ho about their relationship after all the shit from last season, maybe they're trying to paint her as a better person now lol. I hope the show takes off after this, but poor beginning for a new season after over two years, and seemingly we're not even getting a full season.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 8x01 The Good Ones

Fuck the politics in this episode and the shitty feeling I’m left with. Goddamnit I just want to have a laugh.

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Jupiters Legacy

Started off good with an interesting premise. After about 2 episodes got boring as shit. Ended horribly.
Basically it’s a season of backstory and introduction. Nothing really happens in the whole 8 episodes and it’s just a set up for the following
I can imagine the following season might be finally good but this first season is terrible

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All of Us Are Dead: 1x06 Episode 6

Really starting to not care about the characters more and more with their bs drama and dumbassery.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x01 Kobayashi Maru

Ah yes, yet another galaxy spanning extinction like event that Space Jesus will solve

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The Suicide Squad

An unremarkable movie with little substance for me. I was simply bored. Characters died unremarkable deaths and it was kind of a slog to get through. For all the issues the first one had, it was entertaining enough to watch. I personally didn’t feel like I wasted that time then. With this one it’s completely a waste.

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Loki: 1x04 The Nexus Event

Was gonna rate this like a 4 or 5 because of the last scene as it ruined for me the whole amazing episode, then I read it has a post credits scene and oh boy did that make it for me. Great episode, worth the watch, and definitely worth the wait for post credits.

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Halo: 1x01 Contact

The only way it’s good is if you consider it Halo fan fiction. I don’t get everyone’s obsession with ignoring set lore and making a different timeline. Basing it on the Halo lore, this show is utter crap. So many things went wrong that just directly go against what things stand for from the games. Basing it as a “creative” adaptation of Halo. It’s fine so far, I’m interested to see where it will go. I am simply disappointed that it’s an adaptation rather than showing existing lore as live action. Also I don’t know what everyone is talking about but I find the CGI at the beginning utter crap. In 2022 I should not be able to distinguish between CGI and real.

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The Tomorrow War

So barring the ridiculous time travel plot holes and that for some reason no one thought of using explosive ammunition rounds/armor piercing round as a standard for the military when it’s obvious just how useless normal bullets are against these aliens. It was a fine sci-fi action movie. Enjoyable to watch the actual action parts, but right from the start it bugged me how illogical many parts of the movie are. Also that last part of the government not helping them was beyond dumb. In the end, just too many parts irk you along the way in such an obvious manner it’s not possible to fully enjoy the movie. Visually and acting wise it was well done however.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x13 Infested

Nothing happens in yet another episode. The team is as always not having any kind of thoughts themselves but everyone around them tells them what to do. Just another boring episode that brings nothing to this show. 13 episodes in and the show has gotten more bland than it was when it started.

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Community: 2x17 Intro to Political Science

Someone before mentioned that it's a trip to be rewatching this ep in 2020.
Well it's even more of a trip to be rewatching it in 2021 with Biden now being the US president after having that dream of being a real president.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x08 Reunion

Finally a more interesting episode that moves the story along. Much better than the last few episodes.

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They had such a great chance to make a movie about the ethics and morality of experimenting on prisoners and everything that comes with it. Instead they fucked it right up and the end makes everything they’ve built up meaningless. Also what is with trying to make me sympathise with people who have done bad shit.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x11 Devil's Deal

Shout by Mateusz

Why, god, why can’t they just stick to continuing the show. Why can’t they just make a story and not a bunch of useless filler episodes. This one peeved me off even more than the usual fillers because it’s not even about the bad batch. I assume next episode we’ll have them saving Hera but christ, can’t we just get a show about bad batch being anything else than just hired guns doing things that are honestly so unrelated to anything. We barely get to see Crosshair, we don’t have interactions of the bad batch fighting against the empire or something. Or in general having any kind of goal. We’re more than halfway through the season and I’m not really having much fun. Bonus hate points because I couldn’t stand Rebels unlike most people and having this be a Rebels prequel episode just is so much worse for me personally.

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Loki: 1x03 Lamentis

This episode was overall better than the last two, a bit more consistent, though I feel like Loki’s powers are completely inconsistent now that he can finally use them. Sometimes he can do something, other times he can’t do something. It all feels a bit iffy, and overall he seems so underpowered (in the show so far in general) which irks me, because that doesn’t seem like the Loki we’ve come to know in the movies. But I’m curious to see how this will continue.

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Final Space: 1x06 Chapter Six

Would be sad if I actually cared about the character. Unfortunately, for however much I’d like to like this show, I don’t. Maybe if they’d waited a bit longer.

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Community: 1x14 Interpretive Dance

"Culturally, it's unacceptable but it's theatrical dynamite"
I'm dead :laughing:

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Chucky: 1x05 Little Little Lies

Ah yes, another bullshit episode where Chucky doesn’t really kill anyone and it’s another setup episode but now we’re halfway through the season and barely anything is happening all the time.

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Fate: The Winx Saga: Season 1

Very pleasantly surprised at how good this show is!

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Star Trek: Lower Decks: 2x03 We'll Always Have Tom Paris

Great episode, loving season 2 so far. Each episode is happy and has a bunch of good laughs.
And the fan service is an added bonus all the time.
Absolutely great.

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Ragnarok: 2x06 All You Need Is Love

This season felt a little more like background than the first. Not really that much happened overall. Looking forward to the next season tho. Hopefully finally things will go down.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x16 Kamino Lost (2)

So summary of this season. The empire is bad because empire is bad. The finale episodes should have been much earlier and half of the season should have been cut out. Pointless show for the moment.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x15 Return to Kamino (1)

These two finale episodes should have been episode 5 or 6 or something like that not the ending of the season. I can barely remember most of the episodes between the start and the end of the season. Feeling completely scammed.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x14 War-Mantle

Why does it feel like despite the fact things happened in this episode, still nothing happened.

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False Positive

What the fuck was this shit

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x12 Rescue on Ryloth

Episode was fine itself. But just another one that doesn’t move the story really along but pushing it to the point where it will finally move along. Semi-filler really. At least semi enjoyable.

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Loki: 1x05 Journey Into Mystery

Great episode, love the way it’s progressing.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x10 Common Ground

Filler episode. Meh. Nothing really important happens.

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