

South Africa, Johannesburg

Toy Story

I always love this movie... ALWAYS!

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The Vampire Diaries

People still watch this show??? I stopped at season 3!

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How to Train Your Dragon

Face it everybody wanted to adapot toothless after this movie

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One of those... What if movies. Simply brilliant!

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Sky High

What it scored so low? I liked it!

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Weird: The Al Yankovic Story

Probably the best and funniest "bio pic" Ive ever seen!!! Still cant believe he died the way he did... RIP man., RIP... Sarcasm aside... This movie sure went off the rails AND I LOVED IT!!!

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It's so intentionally cheesy and cliche.... I LIKED IT!

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Perfect Blue

Expected more from this anime seeing that its a cult classic and all.

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Such an inaccurate portrayal of how we white South African's treated the "previously disadvantaged" black community, making us look like the monsters.

What BS!!!

I felt angered to no end after I saw how Clint Eastwood made us "apartheid regime" whites were like the scum of the Earth, and the black community is the ones that should be sympathized with (where it turned out that they were just as bad if not worse in politics then what the white government was). My ancestors probably rolled in their graves when they saw how this movie was portrayed.

If you wanna see a more accurate South Africa apartheid role try "Stander" it is much better portayed than this.

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Final Destination

The movie lost its uniqueness as every death seemed more ubsurd then the last.. Clearly God wanted to see these teenagers die in the most gruesome ways imaginable

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Shout by Wesley

The trailer gave people the wrong idea of what the movie was really about... Making it seem all post apocalyptic where it was all about aliens.... Lame....

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OMG what a piece of shit. This movie is such a lazy cashgrab. I cant believe they released it... EVERY short story was crap except the one of the Frankenstein's army inspired short. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!

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Key & Peele

Why do black comedians always have to talk about what it feels like "being back in a white mans world"? Let the comedy speak for itself, I hate when comedians have to make things about race to get a few laughs.. Never see this from white comedians.

Other than that, not a bad show. Watch it all the time. BUT!! I just hate when shows like these are like.. "We back", "as a African American", "Having a white friend", "White people always like".. ect ect ect IN EVERY EPISODE!!!!


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Taken 3

The next time Liam Neeson makes another Taken movie I will find him and I will kill him... So glad that this forced trilogy is finished. They should've stopped with the first movie.

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Attack on Titan

I had to force my way through this movie... Sure the CG is awesome and all... But thats about IT!

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This movie didnt age well AT ALL! Everything is over the top and the CG is so atrocious, I'd rather watch a fully rendered CG lawnmower man movie with the existing technology they had back then than this.

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Year One

Just turn off your brain and give it a try. Looks like Jack Black is like the only actor trying to save this movie with his preformance, kudos to him.

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Escape Plan

Awesome movie. Better than I originally expected it would be.

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True Blood

This show has certainly been going downhill for a while now. Im not sure what season 7 can bring to the table that we havent seen before in previous seasons. But one thing is for sure, the show has grown tired and predictable at this point and for one just dont care anymore... Just let it end already..

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The Whistleblower

This movie needs Liam Neeson's character to teach these perverts a lesson

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247 Degrees Fahrenheit

American teenagers are so STUPID!!!!

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40 Days and 40 Nights

I hate thie movie. Makes us men look like sex starved maniacs.

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Men in Black


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The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent


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The Butterfly Effect 2

This sequel sucks so bad. Erica Durance is the only reason I watched this. It doesnt follow any of the rules the original setup. What a hunk of junk.

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Jurassic World

Claire running around in her high heels and out running a T-REX is the most ridiculous thing I ever saw in a movie. Almost killed all illusion of disbelief...

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As a South African myself even I struggled to understand some of the dialogue Die Antwoord were trying to say While forcing their music down our throaghts.

It isnt bad, but it isnt District 9 quality when it comes to story telling

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The Last Ship

The typical America against the world cliche... Has Michael Bays stench all over the place.

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Still one of my fav childhood movies

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