

South Africa, Johannesburg

In the Flesh

WOW! This took me by surprise, cant wait to see what else this show has to offer.

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Gravity Falls

Started watching this on Saturday with my wife. went in with no expecations and it blew us away!!

A must see!! Dont see a lot of shows so well written these days.

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South Park

... I dunno If I'm alone in this but Season 17 felt so rushed, not just because it had 10 episodes... But as if Trey Parker and Matt Stone didn't really want to do it to begin with... Ever since season 16 the show just feels like its keeps on going downhill...

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South Park

Ive watched every episode countless times and it never lost its appwal to me

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Bob's Burgers

I love Tina, she's by far my fav character of the show.

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True Blood

I couldnt care less about this show anymore it lost its apeal YEARS ago; and thats coming from a dude that used to watch this show religiously!

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I really tried to like Season 9... Really I did, but I couldn't get into it... It felt so generic and lazy as if the cast couldn't care reunite again after season 8's awesome finale in my opinion

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Hell's Kitchen

Was always curious about this show when I first heard about it and now I cant stop watching it!

The only gripe do have is the narrator, he can be such a drama queen. He literally makes everything sound like its ten times worse than what it actually is.

Damn reality TV ;)

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Getting more scripted as each episode passes. Either that or all Americans are attention whores.

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The Vampire Diaries

People still watch this show??? I stopped at season 3!

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Key & Peele

Why do black comedians always have to talk about what it feels like "being back in a white mans world"? Let the comedy speak for itself, I hate when comedians have to make things about race to get a few laughs.. Never see this from white comedians.

Other than that, not a bad show. Watch it all the time. BUT!! I just hate when shows like these are like.. "We back", "as a African American", "Having a white friend", "White people always like".. ect ect ect IN EVERY EPISODE!!!!


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True Blood

This show has certainly been going downhill for a while now. Im not sure what season 7 can bring to the table that we havent seen before in previous seasons. But one thing is for sure, the show has grown tired and predictable at this point and for one just dont care anymore... Just let it end already..

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The Last Ship

The typical America against the world cliche... Has Michael Bays stench all over the place.

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The IT Crowd

Why God?!?! Why did they stop this show?!?!?! ITS OFFICIAL, THIS SHOW IS MY MOST FAVOURITE SHOW IN THE ENTIRE WORLD..... EVER!!! Wish there was more though...

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I love it. It so cliche and yet I cant stop watching it!!!

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Anger Management

Dude, the season season is like lasting forever!

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Nostalgia Critic

Not as awesome as AVGN but comes close.. An awesome show

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Dragon Ball GT

Man what a step back from the classic that is DBZ... But thats just because Akira Toriyama didnt have anything to do with this version

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Robot Chicken

I really tried to like this show... But its such a hit and miss... Its like the writers just make up and crap and hope it sticks..

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Dexter: New Blood

After almost a decade I can finally say... I love Dexter again! The way this show was handled is top notch! Def worth the watch for us who waited YEARS for closure!!!

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Jeff & Some Aliens

A very unique and interesting show. Has the same humor as Rick and Morty if you're into that kind of thing. I highly recommend watching it.

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Too many forced sex scenes for my taste.

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The Voice

I hate season 8s poster. All the dudes are like "yeah, whatever bro." Ans Christina is like "Im the talent in this group, scream encore sheeps" fml it irritates the hell out of me.

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I'm Alan Partridge

Im so furious at this show! Just when I started loving the characters and how rude Alan can be, it stops... DAMN YOU!!!

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Atop the Fourth Wall

I like him. His unique humor totally makes these reviews awesome!

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Angry Video Game Nerd

My most favourite show EVER!

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Paranormal Lockdown

I dont believe in this crap,im just watching this to make my eye roll game reach epic preportions.

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Drops out of Ironman 2 due to money reasons. Stars in low budget TV show... You sure showed them...

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Fear the Walking Dead

3 episodes in and its almost just as boring as the original show. Keep on milking that cow AMC...

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Remember when people used to say Dexter is one of the best shows on tv? I do... Then season 8 happened...

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