

Toronto, Canada

Mrs. Davis: 1x02 Zwei Sie Piel mit Seitung Sie Wirtschaftung

The pilot was good.. not great but good. This was better. This was good enough to sell me on the entire season. I'm starting to think I do see though to the plot I just don't connect the dots. I noticed "the character" in Glass Onion and I kept seeing these bits of stupidity I just didn't think anything of it. In the pilot I noticed the cow looked odd but I didn't think anything of it. And here I saw bad logic and just didn't think anything of it. I think a lot of people are quick to call out plot points long before the story has even really decided on them but maybe there's a degree of merit to the proceedings.

But this episode was solid. We learned a bit. People acted a bit and the AI did it's thing a little bit.

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Monk: 8x13 Mr. Monk Is the Best Man

This episode has one of the most brilliant lines in the entire series. Captain Stottlemeyer once again checks in with Monk to see if he's ok with another Trudy and he replies something like "Yeah, everyone should have a Trudy in their life." Written out this a powerful testament to his character on par with the many times he's given up love or failed to find love. A normal character might become bitter and resentful but Adrian carries bitterness as a facade. The fact that for him it's not even a consideration that more Trudys is a good thing even if they aren't his Trudy is just genius. It's why we love him.

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Shout by wolfkin
BlockedParent2020-03-16T17:39:30Z— updated 2022-01-23T02:53:45Z

This movie is way more emotional and well done than even I remember. It's chilling how fair they are to all the women in this movie. It's emotional, it's heart felt, people make mistakes and act out but never for no reason. Columbus never lets you care so much for Isabel that you lose all emotion towards Jackie. And vice versa. All of this is culminated in a single piece of dialog and even hearing that sentence "My fear is she won't" is enough to make you cry. This is how you turn a movie about adversaries into something that shows both sides for what they really are.

Just a beautiful film

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The Orville: 2x04 Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes

This goes up there with one of the best episodes of The Orville. Not necessarily because it was so unique or because it did anything you've never seen before but like New Who with it's terrible CGI but amazing writing it did it well. This is an episode that really shows the potential of the space opera by really giving you fantastically done drama.

It really shows how much of an improvement this season will be over season 1. Hit after hit after hit. The rest of the season basically keeps going. This episode almost makes up for the last Krill focused episode in season 1.

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Monk: 8x16 Mr. Monk and the End (2)
Evil: 2x08 B Is for Brain

Katja is working her scream queen this episode. Another classically disturbing episode. Ordinarily when Andy shows up I don't like him. He interrupts the tension that's been building rather than enhances it. But here it worked. As Kristen has been getting more and more atypical. Andy serves as a barometer in her home life. Not what I expected from him. At one point I thought he was going to be a demonic influence of some sort but that doesn't seem to have panned out.

I also love the nun. Sister Agnes who from what I can tell is everything the church should be. She does the skuttiest of skut work with grace and civility sans any complaint. She's here to fight evil with no holds barred. And I'm here for every minute of her steadfastness.

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Hair Love

Every Single Time. Three times each time I watch it tears fall. A masterpiece in emotional short story telling. I think it's as effective if not more than the opening scene of Up and that was incredible. A well earned Oscar win.

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Watchmen: 1x01 It's Summer and We're Running Out of Ice
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Resident Alien: Season 2

This season starts off with Harry coming back to earth and taking up a new mission. It ends after much revelations and much humor with a shift in every major character towards the otherworldly. And a few new characters as well.

The season has great flow well worth the watch.

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Holy wow I forgot how good this movie is. Chiwetel Ejiofor was in tip top acting shape here. David Mamet knocked it out of the park here in this very low scale focused film about a man who teaches survival through the medium of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He wants to maintain honor and integrity but the world is at odds with him. He doesn't see the struggle but the struggle finds him anyway. A conspiracy targets him until he's forced, for survival, to fight for competition.

This isn't an action heavy fighting film like Never Back Down instead this is a well written drama. There are jaded promoters who don't care who they screw over for a buck and there are loyal members of Mike's little family of martial arts who have deeper motivations that you might expect in a movie about a fighter. It all boils over to an emotionally effecting ending that had me at the edge of my seat metaphorically.. again.

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Todd and the Book of Pure Evil: 2x10 2 Girls, 1 Tongue

it's been 10 years and this episode still gives me frission like the first time I watched it. No one should ever make this episode their first episode because it's what was built up to over the previous season and 9 episodes. It's such a great climax. A return of our f avorite high school student. Great musical acting. I love the scene where Hannah sews on the show tongue onto her mouth. Every song hits an emotional high as well as injecting pure Crowley High comedy into your veins (and ball veins)

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Monk: 3x09 Mr. Monk Takes His Medicine

Monk is such an excellent show. Nearly perfect in almost every way. Specific episodes go up and down but the show is amazing and this is such an emotional episode. How can you not feel for Monk as he hits rock bottom in his loss of control. Monk feeling guilty for being useless. Seeking anything to help me not feel this way anymore. Such a soul crushing episode. Farewell Sharona

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The Goes Wrong Show

The most consistently laugh out loud comedy series I've ever seen. Every episode has had me bust out in full laughter. It's an utter delight of watching actors miss cues or forget lines or have props trigger incorrectly or often collapse. Something that successfully managed to never overstay it's welcome.

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The Bridges of Madison County

The pacing in this movie is so tight you could set your watch by it. IT's very well filmed. A great love story that blooms well and Meryl Streep is unrecognizable for half the movie which is fun.

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Misfits: Season 1

Rewatching Series 1 yet again it's just a standout season filled with characters and situations. It's a theme that will repeat itself throughout the show but these kids aren't heroes. They don't make good decisions. Whether it's Nathan antagonizing everyone with his lack of impulse control or poor broken Simon who will do literally anything for a friend. It's a top notch series with a unexpected ending.

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An excellent kid's film. Lots of fun. Exaggerated film work that keeps it grounded in Matilda's reality while at the same time making anything seem possible. Great characters and excellent acting.

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The Good Place
Flight of the Navigator

Another EPIC children's movie. The CGI holds up pretty darn good for how old the movie is. The ship and creature design is excellent and for the most part the story works except for the 80s montage which moves the plot well, doesn't take up too much time but logically stretches the bounces of the imagination. Paul Reubens aka Pee-Wee Herman was a perfect choice for a wacky space ship in the 80s. He bloody nailed it.

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The Wizard
Scary Movie

Scary Movie is an excellent parody. It's so good it got ripped off badly all over the place. But the first one remains an awesome movie

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Crazy Rich Asians

So many good things to like about this movie it's easier to list the things I didn't like. 1) still not that big a fan of the out of nowhere Awkwafina. I don't get her. 2) There's joke in the movie where the locals mock Rachel for having small breasts. Which is a super weird insult considering that while there's a variety in the breast size of the actresses in the movie most of them skew towards smaller. 3) There's a scene where Rachel spills wine on Nick's shirt which serves primarily as a reason for him to remove his shirt. I'm not offended by it i just think it's cheesy and transparent.

That's about it honestly. Everything else in the movie is fantastic. The soundtrack is compelling. The performances are chilling and hilarious when they need to be. I do have trouble telling some of the third tier characters apart because everyone is a wealthy socialite wearing the same designer clothing. But most of the characters do dress, look and act different. The relationships were a fun ride and I left satisfied and eager to see the inevitable sequel.

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Road House

An excellent balance of action and character. I swore this dude looked and sounded like a younger Sam Elliott and darn it, he was. It's got just enough gratuitous nudity to barely cross over into the gratuitous side. It's got just enough violence to really satisfy your blood lust. Patrick Swayze is bloody charming. Kelly Lynch and Julie Michaels are both good in their roles, their roles just aren't written that strong.

Ben Gazzara is just :chefskiss: as the villain.

It deserves it's accolades. I can see why this is a favorite.

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Extraordinary: Season 2

A great season as previously. Honestly the only thing that's really unbelievable in this show, is that in a world where everyone gets powers, that Jen is the only one who is trauma blocked. So many people get traumatized by the big and small challenges of life. The idea that no one figured out it was trauma until now is unlikely.

That's honestly my only nitpick with the season. It's a great season. I've read this is one of the best superhero shows and I'd disagree with that. It's not a superhero show. It's a comedy that takes place in a superhero environment at best and even that would be overstating it imo. Unlike say Boko No Hero Academia or Powers there's really no superheroing to be found.

I didn't like all the changes but they're all reasonable. They're all within character and they're all funny. It's eight episodes of great television. I'll see you next year for the third series.

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Luther: Season 1

One episode in I thought it was a pretty good show. Two episodes in I was hooked. The cast is great. Idris is of course legendary from the jump. Indira Varma I kinda love in everything. Ruth Wilson wasn't that interesting in the first episode but honestly I was very surprised to see her come back in episode 2. She grew on me rather quickly.

It ends with a pretty strong gutpunch. It knocks Luther back even harder and what a thing it is to see.

I think Bloodlines was a more ambitious show. Bloodlines is a show that took fantasy creatures like Vampires and elevated them in a way that you just don't see.

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Color me cheesy. This is everything I wanted. Especially after that Rick and Morty episode and good lord so I hate when Rick and Morty "tackle popular culture" because they ruin it in the most hypocritical way possible.

But yeah it's a heist film and it's 100% what I wanted from a heist film. It's not the best I've ever seen but it maximized everything I like about the genre. If you're looking for original or fresh or new. You knew from the trailer this wasn't going to deliver. You knew from the trailer every beat this movie would take every double cross. Every surprise skill. Every fake out. You can see them coming a mile away.

For me. That's exactly why I loved this movie. As one of my favorite show creators calls it.. .Competency Porn. I'm not a fan of the "pornification" of linguistics but conceptually it does work.

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Chuck: Season 2
Chuck: 2x14 Chuck Versus the Best Friend

I think this might be one of my favorite episodes of Chuck. It's a very Chuck episode. I think it's started to turn a production course. The music really was different.

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Death Valley

I don't know what the flying toaster MTV was doing when they made this. But it made me laugh. It's so quotable. I wish it had gotten two more seasons because too long and they would have tried to reach into the lore of the show but with two more seasons would really could have had more fun exploring the premise and the wackiness of the characters.

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