


Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer
The First

Loved this show. Beautiful cinematography that is on experimental side, and haunting soundtrack to match it. The story is slow, but purposeful, and focuses on human struggle. A very believable portrayal of near future. I think they missed with marketing, trying to catch a greater audience, hence the lower ratings. I hope they don't cancel this show because of it, because it is one of the most unique out there. The First will forever be one of my favourites.

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The Queen's Gambit

Good show, but I just wasn’t as obsessed as others. Beth’s drug and alcohol bender was just rough to watch, and not in a sympathizing with the character kind of way, but more of a “I’m kinda over it” way. And while I liked Anya Taylor Joy in other stuff, I thought her acting here was too on the nose. At least the setting and the subject matter of chess were wonderful.

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Canada's Drag Race

Shout by Wynter

I was really looking forward to the Canadian spin-off, but then it was announced that RuPaul wasn't going to be hosting this one. Sorry, but it's just not the same without Ru. Even the UK version got the original panel! I might change my mind one day, but for now, it's a no from me.

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Miracle Workers

The second season is so much better than the atrocious first one. I'm glad I gave it a chance.

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Miracle Workers

I like my humour either very witty or very crude, and this is neither. Sort of bland actually. But I am watching for Steve Buscemi, and honestly I’d watch him host one of those fireplace channels and be happy about it.

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If you are willing to suspend your disbelief, you will enjoy this very entertaining show. Except that last episode. That was sloppy.

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The Tudors

Definitely history lite, but very entertaining. I loved the series when it first came out. Seasons 1 and 2 are the best; the quality of the last two diminish quite a bit, in my opinion. Once they were done with Anne Boleyn, it seems like they didn’t know how to spruce up the rest of history, and just went with bland retelling of facts and events. Wives 3-6 had little personality or story to tell.

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