

, Hesse


This isn't intended to be a comprehensive list. I'm just going to be periodically updating this list with titles from the following IMDB search parameters:


UPDATED: 6/11/24


Depression, PTSD, OCD, personality disorders, eating disorders, whatever. Excludes people on the Autism spectrum because they have their own list. I'm always open to recommendations! See https://trakt.tv/users/bangiras/lists/read-me for ways to contact me if you don't have a Trakt.TV account.



UPDATED: 10/25/21


As Halloween draws ever closer, the next stop on our Best of... journey leads us to the most fearsome and revered movie monster of them all: The Vampire. They're evil, they need to feed, and they want our blood. That's about as terrifying as it gets.

Ever since Dracula and Nosferatu first terrified audiences nearly a century ago, the vampire has arguably been the most prominent of all movie monsters. There have been too many incarnations of the bloodsucking menaces to count (Dracula himself has been brought to cinematic life at least 170 times himself, with more surely to come), and so picking only 30 of them to represent the sub-genre as a whole was no easy task.

The vampire movies that we tend to love the most are the exciting ones, the darker ones. The ones that put a welcomed twist on an overly-familiar story, or the ones that just play it straight and give us exactly what we expect from a vampire story. Depends on our mood. Luckily for us, there are more than enough vampire movies to fit any mood, at any given time.

We love vampire flicks. I mean, one of the coolest vampires of all-time is our mascot, so that pretty much goes without saying, but we really do love them. What other movie monster can be so suave and yet so terrifyingly deadly at the same time? *Hannibal Lecter doesn't count.

For the first 6 movies in the list:

If you're in the mood for a truly quality Vampire Flick, any of the movies in our Top Six will do you right. The Lost Boys and Salem's Lot are probably our all-time faves, but then they all bring their own unique and terrifying vision to the bloodsucker Sub-Genre.

For the remaining:

Below are the rest of our 30 Best Vampire Flicks, and of course, a few Honorable Mentions thrown in for good measure. Keep in mind that no "Best of" list is ever perfect, but merely a solid starting point for anyone looking to watch some great flicks.

The last 6 being "Honorable Mentions".

Source: http://thehorrorclub.blogspot.ch/2015/08/the-best-of-vampire-horror.html


The Werewolf Sub-Genre has always been a rather bland one for us. Aside from a few standout titles being stellar, we've found that most Werewolf flicks tend to underwhelm us. A lot of them just aren't that good. Growing up in a time when An American Werewolf in London and The Howling set the bar on Werewolf movies at a crazy high level probably has a lot to do with it though. They spoiled us.

When done right though, Werewolf movies have an unbridled ferocity about them, and they make us identify with the plight of those doomed to change into bloodthirsty monsters by the light of the moon... or fear the ones who do so simply because they can.

For the first 6 movies in the list:

If you're in the mood for a truly quality Werewolf flick, any of the movies in our Top Six will do you right. For our money, An American Werewolf in London and The Howling are probably the best of them, but then again they all bring their own unique and terrifying vision to the Werewolf Sub-Genre, so just enjoy them all!

For the remaining:

Below are the rest of our 30 Best Werewolf flicks, and of course, a few Honorable Mentions thrown in for good measure. Keep in mind that no "Best of" list is ever perfect, but merely a solid starting point for anyone looking to watch some great flicks.

The last 6 being "Honorable Mentions".

Source: http://thehorrorclub.blogspot.ch/2015/09/the-best-of-werewolf-flicks.html


The classic movie monsters, redone by Hammer.


Universal Horror or Universal Monsters - phrases used to describe the horror, suspense and science fiction films made by Universal Studios during the 1920s - 1950s.
Horror/Monster franchises include: Phantom of the Opera, Dracula, Frankenstein, Edgar Allan Poe, Mummy, Invisible Man, Werewolf / Wolf Man, Paula, the Ape Woman / Gorilla Girl, Inner Sanctum Mysteries, Creeper, Abbott & Costello, Gill Man / Creature from the Black Lagoon.
Universal has plans for rebooting the franchise. Starting with The Mummy (2019) as an origin story. [Though Dracula Untold (2016) was first and also an origin story, it is downplayed as the restart and said not part of Dark Universe canon). The new reboot Monster franchises include Creature from the Black Lagoon, Dracula, Frankenstein, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Invisible Man, and Phantom of the Opera. As of late 2017, those plans seem to have stalled.


Everything I've seen, in 2017


I remember either voting in this, or it might've been a completely different sites list. Anyway, this was published by IGN some years ago, therefore I will create it here and now for list purposes. From the official IGN release:

The cartoon is indeed a wonderful thing. Once mostly deemed to be the territory of a kids-only audience, the world of animation has evolved over the years so as to appeal to adults as well as children… or is it just that many adults these days have the minds of children?

Don't ask us, for if there's one thing that the IGN editors can claim to be, it's kids trapped in the bodies of adults. And so it goes without saying that we sure do love us some cartoons. And in particular, television has proven to be a hugely important part of our toon-development, starting from our earliest days with the Saturday morning and after-school shows and continuing right on to today with the more mature Adult Swim offerings and the like.

In fact, as we prepped for this story and looked back at our many favorite animated series from over the years, we were amazed by the diversity of the shows that we came up with. From classic tales of cats chasing mice to the legend of a Dark Knight avenger patrolling the streets of a place called Gotham, from incompetent alien invaders to incompetent nuclear families, from stories of the future to sagas of the past, IGN's Top 100 Animated Series has it all.

So put away your ink and paint for a while and have a look at this list. You might just find yourself animated by it...

copied from Star Trek (canon) by dgw

Official Star Trek productions, including reboots, excluding fan/documentary/behind-the-scenes productions.

Sorted by production order, not in-universe chronology. I think Star Trek should be viewed in production order, so it's evident how the franchise has changed over the last 50+ years.


Older MTV, Adult Swim, Comedy Central, etc. cartoons that catered towards adults.


Here is an exhaustive list of Universal Monster Movies including the new Universal Monster Universe. I will be adding more of those as they are released. If you feel that there is something missing, feel free to suggest an addition. I realize Dracula '92, Frankenstein '94 and Gods and Monsters '98 are not Universal properties but I feel they are closely related and relevant.



As the leading name in the world of horror, Fangoria magazine has been the source of information for fans of fright flicks for more than twenty years—covering feature films, video games, comic books, collectibles, and all aspects of horror entertainment. Working closely with Fangoria’s experts, including Editor in Chief Anthony Timpone, Adam Lukeman has compiled a must-have guide for casual horror fans and hardcore horror junkies with Fangoria’s 101 Best Horror Films You’ve Never Seen.


The 1800s dramatized: period dramas, documentaries, historical fiction, steampunk, gaslamp fantasy, magic and scifi.


Epic tales of history or fantasy


All movies sorted in historical order from the beginning of time until today


The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, Vikings, etc.

No movies or animated series are in this list.


A list of noteworthy films that involve vampires in some way or another. These don't have to be traditional vampires (I Am Legend) or particularly fantastic films (Twilight), just noteworthy ones. I'm not going to be strict. Foreign and Indie films welcome.

The list is in no particular order, but I recommend you list by film release date.

Have I missed something? Is there a film in the list that shouldn't be? Please let me know below, it's a lot of work on my own!

(Still a work in progress, but suggestions are nonetheless welcome!)


Fantasy films with a medieval setting and style.
