

Nashville, TN


I thought the movie was decent, but no where near great as everyone says. It's very predictable and yes the CGI is great but does that make the movie?

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Abducted in Plain Sight

I can't believe what I just watched and heard. This is one of the craziest and sick stories I have ever watched. I feel for the family but some of the choices these parents made blew my mind. I kept thinking to myself I really need to talk to my daughter. This is the kind of show that everyone should watch so they know that their are people out there that can really manipulate you to do anything. When she called after being taken the second time to talk to her sister and father, it got to me. Oh and to top it off that the young girl who was kidnapped is an well known actress just blew my mind!!

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Premium Rush

This was no where near as bad as mrbamber posted. It wasn't awesome and wasn't great! It was decent.

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Judd in this movie looked hott as all hell!! Decent movie.

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The Yin Yang Master

This movie is great!! Is it a masterpiece? No!! But it sure kept me entertained for two hours. Maybe I am the outlier here but I really enjoyed the movie. Don't go in thinking you are seeing Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and you will enjoy your time.

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Sweet Virginia

Decent movie, Jon Bernthal does a really good job but Christopher Abbot is the one who really shines in this movie. As for the movie it was predictable and the story line has been used before.

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Red Dawn

Movie was great!! But I be honest I could not stand the younger brother they could of picked a better actor!! But besides that it was definitely a great movie!!

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The only reason to watch this is for Demi!! She still looks great at her age. Besides that lame movie!!! Daughter loved it though!!

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This move was great!! Maggie Grace is sexy!!

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Mirror Mirror

Who cares about the ending credit musical number? The movie was decent. Don't let people turn you off the movie was good.

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Young Adult

It was blah!! Thought it would be much better. Just seemed like it ended too quick.

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Tower Heist

I stopped watching it once they picked up Eddie Murphy. Maybe someday I will get around to watching it again. Took way too long to get going.

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The Adjustment Bureau

This movie is good!!! I don't understand all the haters!!

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Battle: Los Angeles

I thought it was great!! Great movie!!!

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