


Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x04 The Warriors of Kyoshi

And now there's me wondering if the Unagi warriors are a Friends reference...

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The most disturbing and at the same time sensitive movie I ever saw. With comedic parts that made me cringe and gritty stuff that made me feel bad, this movie sends the message quite harshly. Massive performances and Phoenix left an impression that's comparable to Ledger. Yet their portrayals are both so different.

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I love how they introduce the lesser-known comic book characters in the MCU. Phase 2 is clearly the phase with some of these kinds of introductions. In Guardians of the Galaxy, for example, a whole range of lesser-known characters have already been presented to us. The majority had never heard of Star-Lord and co. But because of the humour and fantastic music in that film, everyone was really excited about it, and you quickly wanted to go watch it too. That's why these unknown superheroes suddenly became very popular!

Ant-Man also had to rely on mouth-to-mouth publicity. That's why the humour here had to be on-point, and fortunately that was the case. Not only the strange situations caused by the shrinking and enlarging of people and objects sometimes led to hilarious scenes, but the big star here was of course Luis. How cool would it be if he were in Endgame to recap everything that happened before in his own way?

In general, I don't like this film as much as Guardians or Iron Man, but it comes very close. And the way Ant-Man is introduced here is great.

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Guardians of the Galaxy
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Thor: The Dark World

I won't waste too many words on this film. If you want to see total destruction, definitely check this sequel. Because apart from the destruction of Greenwich, and the occasional scenes with Loki, this fantasy/sci-fi flick offers nothing to write home for.

What do we remember? That Jane Foster is only good for the looks, for the rest you notice that she behaves like some kind of Alice in an alien Wonderland. Feel free to call this film Jane in Dark-Elf-land.
From the Dark Elfs we remember that they just want to destroy everything. But we have no idea why they want that... I can understand that they want to destroy Asgard out of revenge. But shroud the entire universe in eternal darkness to then rule over ... nothing? Would you care to explain that to me?
Then we remember that the security of Asgard's prison is terribly weak. I mean especially that the prisoners are not even searched properly.... Because how exactly could that Kursed escape just like that?
Finally, we remember how the Aether or Reality Stone ended up in the Collector's possession. There you are, that's all folks, now it's time to watch some decent films.

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Iron Man 3
Captain Marvel

In general I put it with the better MCU movies. This is a good origin story with a slight twist. We find out how she gets her powers, but not in the way you would normally expect from a Marvel flick. The story is well put together and has an interesting plot twist. We get a nice soundtrack with 90's hits, honest humour without over-the-top slapstick, and 100% cuteness factor with Goose the cat. The end of the film is a bit cringy, but I can handle it.
The only downside is perhaps the character development of the lead role. Well, we would all like to immediately become best friends with Carol Danvers. We also understood that she pretty sharp toungue. But we didn't see a flawed personality, no sharp edges except a good sense of humor. And that does take away some credibility. Hopefully we will see this in the sequel (or in Endgame). Because don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of this film. And I can't wait to see more Captain Marvel!

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Iron Man 2

Shout by Sonic
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-02-16T16:41:14Z— updated 2019-04-21T08:12:39Z

From a classic we immediately switch to one that you can skip. The only reason why you would like to see it is for the introduction of Black Widow. Because what else does this movie contribute to the MCU? In the first film Tony Stark has evolved from a naive arms dealer to a self-proclaimed world improver. But in this sequel his personality hasn't changed a bit. The challenges in this film did not lead the main character to find himself again. Ivan Vanko wasn't even a convincing villain, only an annoying obstacle that at times let out a bit of a Russian gibberish. Although he did give us this memorable quote:
"If you could make God bleed, people would cease to believe in Him."
We'll think about this again in Avengers: Infinity War.

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Iron Man

It all began with this film, more than 10 years ago. And I can tell you convincingly that it is worth watching! This is a superhero film as it should be: about the egocentric and narcissistic Tony Stark who becomes an iron (or metal) hero, but doesn't lose his ego. A superhero classic, without a doubt!
Did you know by the way, that director Jon Favreau also took on the role of Happy Hogan? The driver and assistant, who leads the way! Funny, innit?

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I think the comic book character Thor is awesome, but despite that I find this film a lot less. I had too little connection with some characters and the dialogues were often overdramatic. However, I did enjoy this Viking-Steampunk / Science-Fiction mashup, but maybe that was more because of the appearance of Nathalie Portman... And Tom Hiddleston, of course, as the perfect impersonation of Loki!
The film itself did not really convince, but is a good introduction to Thor, Loki and Hawkeye.

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The Incredible Hulk

Shout by Sonic

The beginning of this movie is super! We start off with opening credits that show us the origin of the Hulk. Then we see that Bruce Banner (Edward Norton) is in the favelas in Rio, which is all nicely portrayed. The story is about a scientist on the run, looking for a cure to a dangerous infection. I'm hooked right away.
​But as soon as the story takes us to the US, the plot goes downhill. We ended up in a freakshow, with the army following a green monster and a Spec Op (Emil Blonski) that buffs up and becomes an Abomination. And unfortunately the CGI was as abominable...
Not bad for an action movie, but certainly not Incredible.

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Captain America: The First Avenger

Shout by Sonic

We go back in time, to 1942, and we get to see a generic origin story. A simple boy becomes a superhero in a red-blue spandex. All very nice and so, but were they not allowed to laugh with the situation from time to time? Come on, Steve, why so serious?
Aside from that, I did enjoy this introduction of Cap, Bucky, Hydra and Red Skull. This film contains many classic elements: the 40s costumes, the mad professor, the love interest, the fanatical Nazi villain. And if you listen attentively, you'll hear an occasional touch of Wagner in the soundtrack! Amusing.

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The Avengers

We end phase 1 with the best film of the six! Action, humour, drama, Clark Gregg (Agent Coulson) and Tom Hiddleston: that's all a human being needs, right? Except maybe Edward Norton. Because he has now been replaced by Mark Ruffalo, and personally I find him a little less suitable for the role of Banner. But I won't go into it any further, you just have to watch it and enjoy. And wait until the after-credits for a first glimpse of Thanos.

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Thor: Ragnarok

Great movie for having a good time! Funny how everything gets destroyed and you keep laughing. A dark theme, but the jokes make it an enjoyable family movie.
Though the beginning is a little awkward, overall a good marvel movie. To be honest, one of the best I've seen so far (along with Iron Man and guardians of the galaxy)

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