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60 Minutes: Season 39

39x07 Buried In Fine Print, The Ship Breakers, Russell Crowe

  • 2006-11-06T00:00:00Z on CBS
  • 1h
  • United States
  • English
  • News
November 05, 2006 Buried in the Fine Print; The Ship Breakers; Russell Crowe Jeff Flake (R-Ariz) demands that his colleagues cut the pork! Criticized by fellow House members, Flake crusades against ‘earmarks’, the secret parts of legislation that allows politicians to “bring home the bacon”. Morley Safer reports. Bob Simon explores the Ship Breakers of Bangladesh. Using mostly just their hands, for next to nothing in earnings, stripping old ships is a remarkably dangerous job. Steve Kroft sits down with a very candid Russell Crowe who tries to explain how difficult being rich and famous can be.