The show is still missing something. Even when exciting stuff happens on the screen, there is still something keeping me from being fully immersed in the setting. I can't figure out what the missing ingredient is but I know that only episode two had it this season. This episode also had a problem with handling escalating tension. It reminded of episode one which played like a collection of disparate scenes cobbled together instead of a cohesive whole. Interestingly, both episodes share the same writer (Ryan Condal) and director (Alan Taylor), which makes me think it could be a problem caused by a deficiency in their skillset. Additionally, the dialogue scenes here, in contrast to episode two, felt very contrived. And please, for the love of God, can we stop with the Black council scenes? It seems like every episode we just get a replay of the same setup: Rhaenyra's advisors tell her that she should go on the offensive and she just stalls. Then someone else takes the initiative in her place. At last, Vhagar's entrance was pretty epic and the dragon action was quite good.

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R.I.P. the baddest bitch on this show

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last 15 minutes of cinematography:heart::fire: >> all episodes of season 2 premiered yet

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So this is why this season has 2 fewer episodes. They blew their budget on this one! I expect next week's to be a bottle episode, lol.

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when alicent sees that aegon — who was forced to be king, who was constantly made to believe that he’s utterly useless and never received any warmth from her or viserys — tries to actually do something, to take action after his little son was brutally murdered, alicent rejects his efforts.

she completely ignores the fact that jaehaerys’ death happened mere moments ago. she actually tells aegon — who is so obviously insecure and never wanted that throne — that he will never live up to expectations, will never be his father (who ignored him all his life).

alicent blames aegon for killing the rat catchers while he was desperate to just do something to avenge his little son’s murder. she blames aegon for firing otto, the man who orchestrated that horrific funeral, that massively exploited his son’s death.

and when aegon asks alicent how she wants him to react, what she wants him to do about all of this — he is willing to listen, he wants her approval! — she tells him ”nothing“.

aegon can only lose, honestly.

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The epic dragon battle we needed to spice things up. :scream: Now we're talking. :sunglasses:

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Better episode... Yet highly predicable.

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Alright, let’s say it again; The Queen Who Never Was :crown:

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How can I feel so sad for the dragons?

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She was my favorite actress to be honest.

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Me, chanting in my head as Rhaenys talked to Meleys:
"Must not have favorites."
"Must not have favorites."
"Must not have favorites."

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The queen who never was

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So, Aegon gives Sunfyre an order... in English?? Weren't dragons only supposed to understand High Valaryan? Seems a plot hole and an oversight

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The adrenaline rush! Haven't felt like this in a while. Wow. Simply short of words.

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"Beloved daughter of Lady Jocelyn Baratheon and Prince Aemon Targaryen, faithful wife of Lord Corlys Velaryon, mother and grandmother, the Queen who never was lived without fear, and died in the midst of blood and fire. She was 55 years old."

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Best episode in the entire series, well done

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Another great episode. Maybe the Season 2 complainers will finally shut the fuck up.

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Aegon the cat knocking wine decanters off tables. Immediately gets zoomies and runs into battle.

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That last look Meleys gave to Rhaenys was like “I’m sorry I failed, I couldn’t protect you. Goodbye.” I just can’t.

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The Queen Who Never Was :sob:

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Well, truth be told, for me Meleys is the winner in this fight.

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Three words: that was Cinema.

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Daemon in his castle...
And the young king stupid .....
Holy crap...
I loved everything...
I want more.....

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They promised and they delivered

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Shout by Cibeli
BlockedParent2024-07-11T01:04:57Z— updated 2024-07-18T23:33:47Z

Even this version of Rhaenys (which to me is not as good as the book one) managed to make me emotional over this. Farewell to The Queen Who Never Was and to the The Red Queen.

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Meleys was a good girl. RIP

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Wow, this gave me literal goosebumps!! The scale of the dragons is so well done.

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Let the war begin! Now that the king is dead, Rhaenyra is the rightful hair to the iron throne

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This episode must have been expensive, But welcome to the first big battle of House of Dragon!

Also we have only HEARD about these kind of battles since Game of Thrones was put on TV, awesome to see it finally happen

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Wow such a epic dragon fight :exploding_head:

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I know Aemond is a little bit cruel but :sparkles: I can save him :sparkles:

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This is how you write an episode! This is how you write!

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Poor Rhaenys, the queen that never was

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I felt her loss more now than when I first read the book. Rhaenys, você sempre será famosa.

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so they knew the army was marching there but didn't know vhagar flew somewhere around the area. and they used the same cheap trick from the first season. vhagar shouldn't be able to hide so quickly and perfectly with his size and agility. the action was nice but I am not happy.

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Shout by Adrian Poveda Sanchis
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-07-08T20:15:02Z— updated 2024-07-10T11:42:34Z

The Queen Who Never Was :crown:
What an episode

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Best episode so far, can’t wait to see the dance between Daemon and Aemond.

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The first three episodes, in all of the two stances' characterization and turning points, have been building to this, and the culmination delivers big time. I hope next episode the Black's pitching through the realm would be that it takes two Green's dragons to take one Black's dragon down.

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OBVIOUSLY aegon would be able to speak high valyrian, but yet again the writers try to butcher his character. but they fail. him "not being able to" speak high valyrian is not a plot hole. it’s a stupid decision but it’s not a plot hole! he would obviously at least know the simplest commands, even dragonkeepers do. but sunfyre understands aegon in any language — their bond is truly that strong!!! his dragon cherishes him a lot, smooches him. shields him when he’s fallen to the ground, tried to lessen the impact with its own body. they are CONNECTED. they are one. so the writers once again fail to show aegon as this idiot they’re trying to portray. someone who obviously loves his dragon and would therefore spend vast amounts of time RIDING that dragon (so he would actually be a skilled dragonrider one would think….) this episode proved once again that they can try all they want, but i shall always love aegon. and sunfyre. and their bond for that matter.

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Shout by Monsieur FU
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-07-13T10:07:10Z— updated 2024-07-14T15:21:38Z

The conflict between the two hostlie Targaryen parties got its first real main casualties. The downward spiral continues and escalates in a greatly filmed first war scenario.

On both sides R.I.P.

Don‘t drink and fly!

I felt more sorry for the dragons than anyone else.

It’s inevitable that dragons and main characters will die in this show.

This episode was stellar and had some great moments. Alicent will grieve about her loss, but King Aegon II was weak and of no use anymore. His death was less dramatic and heroic than Princess Rhaenis‘. That tells everything.

Only complaint about this episode:
Prince Daemon and his dreams and day dream fantasies are annoying and scream so over the top fan service that I can‘t take them for serious.

All in all, a good episode with some politics, war tactics and a really well filmed battle.

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Supposedly its a prequel to game of thrones, yet nobody in this "civil war" does not give a f*ck about how medieval society work, titles, knighthood, council does not mean anything. EVERY single character wears thick plot armor until there is a conflict between two of them, then its just about who does more idiotic move.

To be honest, high rating of this show is pure review bombing, target audience obviously is not fantasy fans, this show is made for basic middle aged women. So sad.

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The dragons battling was amaaazing! The king is dead!!! Crazy stuff!

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Damn, since Battle of the Bastards we didn’t see an episode like this one.

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holy fucking shit. that's the review.

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The show was starting to lose me in the first three episodes. This one brought me right back in.

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This one is the greatest oneee so far, the waiting one, finally for real, a great sad episode..

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how is the largest dragon constantly doing sneak attacks for shock value lol

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R.I.P. Rhaenys, The Queen Who Never Was: You were the baddest bitch in the whole of Westeros and you will always be my favourite:sob::heart:

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:crab::crab::crab:AEGON IS AE - GONE :crab::crab::crab:

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Oh the battle of the dragons. Aemond, cool and ruthless, Aegon insecure and inexperienced, and Rhaenys dutiful and resigned. What happens next?

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Wow. Bloody hell. The dragon fight was great.

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Shout by Ro

Great fight scenes with the dragons but terrible green screen of the riders on their back

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The fight scene we have been needing :raised_hands_tone4::raised_hands_tone4:

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Sorry… too much Bla Bla Bla and any action Boried

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What an episode; I'm so fucked.

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Shout by Robin

The queen that never was:crown:

10/10 episode

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These little producer narratives at the end are great!

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My hated for Vheghar and Aemond is beyond limits. The best episode of the episode. I don't think any upcoming episode can beat this. Wow. Rest well, my queen.

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Shout by zeina7

quite literally one of the best episodes of any project i have ever seen. what a piece of art that was the first dragon battle. poor rhaenys and aegon, but aemond. wow. a true targaryen that will do whatever it takes to avenge himself (& his house).

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The episode was really amazing, maybe the build-up to the battle seemed a bit slow but the battle itself was epic and on a grand scale. It is a pity than Rhaenys got killed since I quite liked her character, she was courageous but not rash and it seems a bit surprising that she decided on the suicide attack on Aemond's dragon (he had the biggest and strongest dragon so she had no chance of beating him)? It looked like Aemond attacked not only Rhaenys but also his brother and now the king is dead?

Speaking of other things, the mysterious Alys from Harrenhall, who seems to give Daemon his strange visions, seems quite an interesting character. I wonder what her endgame is, since it looks like the visions weaken and incapacitate Daemon a bit, he is not his own sassy self but rather disoriented.

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Fantastic episode! I haven't read the books but I have watched a bunch of videos of people explaining what happens throughout them so I knew this moment was coming. Rhaenys and Meleys dying together, rider and dragon was so raw. I'm sad to see Rhaenys go, she was my favorite but man what an ending!
I haven't stopped thinking about the battle at Rook's Rest since I watched the episode.

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This episode hurt the most. Eve Best is the GOAT!

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I know this is history
But noooooooo
And i really felt the dragons pain
Well not vhagar, not sure if she felt any pain

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I. Am. Lost. For. Words.

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That was cinema. Absolute cinema.

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Shout by Davezn

A good episode with great action in the Battle scene. 2 Dragon's down and The King is Dead! Now what's next? :thinking:

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whoa, that was epic! Halfway through I thought it would be another filler episode, but boy things got 100% real fast!

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