[6.3/10] This is one of those Parks and Rec episodes where a lot of the build through the episode is pretty weak, but the ending is so good that you look more fondly on it than it perhaps deserves. I love Leslie being offered a job to supervise the a branch of the national parks service, and the ensuing internal conflict it produces. Leslie having to decide whether to stick around and keep trying to improve a town that only seems to hate and belittle her, or go live out another dream job, is a compelling story. And, as always, her heart-to-heart with Ron about doing something because you love it, not because you expect praise of thanks is great.

The problem is that the build to that is all pretty broad and weak. There's a decent dose of both Jamm and Craig which immediately brings the proceedings down a notch. And everything from the bee attack to the aggressive investigative journalist, to Leslie getting punched in the face just feels like too much. I love the conflict the episode sets up for Leslie, but the way the episode gets there is cartoony and frankly kind of dumb at times.

The same goes for the Tom-Ben storyline. The moral of the story -- follow what you're passionate about -- is trite, and the way Tom acts like a jerk to Ben despite all his help in the episode is pretty unpleasant. I'm repeating myself, but Tom's always a tricky character on this show, because you need to have him show growth and mature, but preserve what makes him the outsized personality he is, and this is an episode where Parks can't quite get that balance right.

The best part of the episode is Ron's interactions with everyone cooing over his new baby, John. His effort to get away from the noise and attention and fix things instead is fun, and his interactions with both the people who think his son is adorable, and John himself are the kind of low-key but sweet comedy the show does well.

Overall, definitely a weaker installment, but with some redeeming material in the finish to the main story and Ron's portion of the episode.

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