This episode ends exactly like the previous one. That's how the story "progresses" in this show. (Yes, I know, it was a back story episode, please don't ruin my sarcasm).
Four episodes in and I'm still waiting for the show to actually start. No, I haven't read the books, nor do I care about them. If I did, I'd have read them instead of watching the show. I'm only watching this because of:
a) the premise looked good
b) hype
c) Bryan Fuller is a certified talented guy and he's the author of two of my favourite TV series of all time.

There is one thing that I did enjoy about this episode. Shadow looked like a different character, more naive, optimistic, not carrying that certain darkness/heaviness/gloominess with him that we've seen in the previous episodes. I guess that's what prison and a broken heart can do to you. I did enjoy knowing how he was before and how he came to be.

Now what I really want to know is where the fuck are all the gods and what are they up to. And half the season is already gone... Maybe there's still hope for the remaining four episodes.

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