I’ve been thoroughly enjoying this show up to now despite the fact that it has regularly pushed the envelope on certain religious fronts. But the cold open in this one crossed a line that can’t be uncrossed, going from funny as hell to extremely offensive and profane in an instant. So even before the credits rolled, I knew that it was time for me to part company with this one. I wish Team Jesse the best, but I won’t be accompanying them on any more of their adventures.

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@jimgysin the comic book is mutch more profane and funny.

@crux I did not know that. I found this episode to be a bit too much... But I guess we should brace ourselves, because profanity is coming.

@jimgysin Catholics/religious people have no sense of humor :_(

Reply by kinky

@gonzopersona oh, we do! I enjoy a ton of pages on Facebook mocking Jesus Christ and religion in general, the humour is quite spot on and overall harmless. What religious people can't stand is atheists enjoying so much the fact that religious people are allegedly bothered by the jokes on them. If atheists are enjoying jokes messing around with religion, cool, I also have a laugh with those. But it upsets me when atheists only seem to enjoy those jokes specifically because they feel the jokes are pissing religious people off.
Try to just enjoy the jokes themselves, and not the fact that they allegedly bother other people.

Also, I do not speak for religious people in general, it's just my personal take on this matter.
