Laurel actually managed to turn from one of my favorites to one of my least favorites in this season. It just made me so mad how she dragged everyone into this shit, then she slept with Frank who's so in love with her and I'm not a fan of the whole pregnancy storyline or her love for Wes which I still can't understand.

And the ending was a bit disappointing. I did like how intense the last scene was. The acting and mood was incredible and I absolutely can't deny that. But the rest was kind of disappointing imo.
All the hospital scenes we saw during these 8 episodes didn't even appear at the end and it was basically a teaser for January instead of giving us answers. And it annoyed me how Asher forgot to put Simon's fingerprints BACK on the gun and that no one wondered if the whole place might have security cameras. And I still don't understand how Simon managed to kill himself - I've rewatched that scene a few times and it still looks weird.

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