Review by FLY

I have mixed feelings about this one. It's really well done, the fact that we never leave the cell is a brillant idea, both Green and Kinnear are amazing. But not I'm not a big fan of how things turn out.

The nice orderly doing his job and starting to care for Vanessa. Yeah it's nice and toucing, and interesting to see him before he died, but it's way too long. The makeup scene is soooo creepy. Also I guess it's supposed to try to make her remember that she can look better than the mess she had become in her cell, but she probably had not seen herself in a mirror in months, and compared to how she was normally, the result would ne disappointing.

Then come Lucifer! This scene is stunning. Both actors are incredible! Scaring her. Seducing her. Convincing her. Full of confidence and power. Already talking of ruling the world and dethroning God. Tension keeps rising. And then here comes Dracula...

and poof... Lucifer is instantaneously turned into a scared little bitch terrorized because his big brother's here. I suppose it's meant to make him appear as super badass and even scarier, it also explains the two brothers story from season 2, but it seriously killed all the tension there.

Then same scene with the second one trying to get Vanessa. There again, independantly from the interruption, the scene is amazing. Kinnear's three characters are really distinct and the second performance is as great at the first one.

And Vanessa holds her own against both, being the witch she is (but was she supposed to already be that powerfula t the time ?).

So great great performances, but really disappointed at this poor way to force Dracula as the Bigger Bad. Guess this means we won't see Lucifer from now.

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