Shout by FinFan

So, I guess I was right about Lorca all along. But again they made the reveal at the right time because I don't think this would have been holding up much longer.

At roughly 38 min this was a short one if you take into account credits and previously scenes. This is more of a bridge episode anyway and because the end didn't surprise me it raised more questions than it hold answers. Burnham had to reveal herself but she showed her hand to fast I think. I'm sure that will come back to bite her. Personally I also would have liked to have Tyler gone but I guess you can kill only so much of your cast in one season ;-)

One thing I wonder after this episode is what the long term future of the show could be. What if they fix the spore network and deal with Lorca and his plans? Because you cannot drag those plots out over a couple of seasons. Or do they go back to their (alternate ?) universe and deal with the Klingons ? We'll see, I'm in for the duration.

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@finfan you were right about Lorca being from the Mirror Universe! I just finished the episode, I was in awe when they revealed that! To me, this was the most exciting episode of the season, so far. I'm guessing we'll be stuck in the Mirror Universe for a while (maybe forever?) and Lorca will become the main villain. What a twist! How did Lorca ended up in the "regular" universe? Either I missed something or they have yet to explain it.
I have a feeling that evil Stamets will fuck up the mycelial network and thus prevent the Discovery to go back to their own universe. Man, this episode left me all pumped up, can't wait for next week!

@misnomer I think mirror Stamets is a key figure in the story probably even working together with Lorca. Lorca came to the Discovery universe before the shows story line started, which raises the question whate happened to the real Lorca ?
It's clear with how the story unfolds the writers know exactly what they were doing from the beginning and they incorporated the mirror universe story quite well. One could even make the argument it was a Mirror Universe show from the beginning. I must say althought this is not Star Trek of old I'm more and more getting drawn into it.


Reply by kinky

@finfan Your second paragraph left me even more excited! I'm rooting for it to be a Mirror Universe show, that sounds like fun and will give the writers more wiggle room, I'd say. Things seem to be falling into place much better now, so, yes, I have to agree with you, the writers do appear to have it all properly planned since the beginning, which makes that comment from the show's producer that you mentioned in the last week's episode much more believable.

It makes sense that evil Stamets (I call him "evil" because I'm pretty sure he's mischievous and also the "ghost" of the doctor - good Stamets' boyfriend - mentioned that evil Stamets deserves to be locked in whatever the hell that place is) helped evil Lorca (yes, I find it fun to name everyone from the Mirror Universe "evil", because that's what they all are, so far) cross over to "our" universe. But, if that's the case, it puzzles me why evil Stamets didn't cross himself as well (and everyone else on the same vessel he was in). But this is all mere speculation, anyway. And it's always fun to speculate (though one needs to take it easy, otherwise too much speculation can lead to disappointment).

Also, I couldn't agree more with your last sentence, though it's not the show we wanted, the more it approaches the season finale the more fun it gets! It's a pity that it's about to end right after starting to actually be good... It'll be a long wait till season 2. And there's always The Orville for some good, classic, Star Trek fun!
