Overall, pretty good episode. I felt bad for Liv but it is starting to feel like the writers don’t know how to give a nice, natural exotic for her boyfriends that doesn’t include death.

I don’t understand why this cure isn’t viable to use for other zombies. Why can’t Ravi use it to create a vaccine? Why did she have to eat the entire brain? It felt like a cop out. Yes we know zombies have to exist on the show but couldn’t the writers do something like: people being afraid to take it out of fear it’ll just kill them permanently? Or it only works on some people, like newly turned zombies?

I used to like Major as a character the first couple seasons but now not so much. He just forgave Blaine? The man murdered all those street kids he was close to...among doing other things.

Major’s trainees wasn’t a great plot line so I’m hoping that now he’s in charge there is no more of that.

As for Clive- love him but I’m still not loving his now wife. I just don’t get it. She has a personality of a paper bag. Even the zombified version of her felt boring.
However, I do like that curing her will make Clive and Liv better friends.

The underground storyline was good but I felt like it was glossed over. I’m wondering if there will be more of that next season. Covering the difficulties the coyotes deal with and the people being smuggled.

I also hope they show Liv some ptsd or something. Not that I want her character to suffer more but she did kill Chase and they did hook up...so she wouldn’t be so carefree about his death. Even though he deserved it.

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