Review by kinky

It seems I'm on the minority around here when I say that I didn't care for Isobel, at all. The actress was great, she had charisma on screen, but her character added absolutely nothing to the show. More so, she wasn't around long enough for the viewers to create any sort of emotional attachment to her. It was all rather pointless, really. She left the show as quickly as she came into it and, as such, I was unable to feel much when they revealed her death, there was no emotional build-up whatsoever. It would make sense if her character would contribute to finding a cure for the zombie condition (I thought that's why they included her in the story), but they actually "forgot" about that very important side of her character because they obviously felt it was more important to show Ravi teaching her how to drive or to show how much of an unbearable prankster she was. Ugh! Bad writing sure is annoying. Yes, Isobel had potential, but the time she spent on iZombie was as useful as a spoon in bowl of spaghetti. Unless she'll actually become relevant after death. Now that would be interesting...

Also, wassup with that Fillmore-Graves shooting? Are the writers just throwing their shit at the wall to see if something will stick? Also also, the whole cult thing is totally bonkers and nonsensical and it's, most likely, the worst thing this show has ever endured.

I have no idea if this show was renewed, but this season has marked a new low for what was once a very consistent series, quality-wise. Maybe it's time for Rob Thomas to move on to other characters in other stories, as iZombie, like their main characters, seems to be getting stale.

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