Shout by Marc Friedolin

Charmed 2018

Seeing the cast, I'm asking myself which of the parents was the unfaithful one, since they clearly don't have the same parents.

Couldn't they at least have the same ethnicity (Don't really care which).

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@player8472 was made to be politically correct. Not really made to please fans of the original.

@player8472 I'm fairly sure that's part of the story. One is a half-sister.

@barussell4 Of course it is, but it is part of the story out of the same reason they had a fourth sister they had never heard of in the Original.

There was a narrative in the real life, that had to be explained.

Only that is was necessary there (since Shannen Doherty needed to be replaced somehow).
Here it wasn't necessary for the story, they had an agenda to be pushed and fixed the story, so it would.

I already wrote what I thought of the Pilot in my Review of the Pilot, so I'll refrain from doing again here...

In essence: what @Jim222001 said...

@player8472 @jim222001 Let's talk about the hoops the original show jumped through to make everyone in San Francisco white.

@player8472 @Jim222001 Also it makes no sense to say it was "made to be politically correct". Normally you don't do something because it's not PC. Doing something to add more diversity isn't political correctness, it's just a choice you can make just like you can choose to make everyone white, or black. In this case it's an homage to the original. Maybe they had always intended one to be a half-sister to add more drama, maybe she was half-white or half-asian, or just fully latina. All lthey would have to do once they cast the actress they liked best (no matter what race) is change the casting of the father, they do things like that all the time. You can't just use the term PC and its negative connotations whenever you want.

@barussell4 In this case it is exactly the negative PCness everyone is rumbling about.

After seeing the Pilot this should be clear as day. It's not just that one is black and the others are white.
Just read my review of the Pilot and try arguing against that.

If you are able to do so (with real arguments and not just insults), then and only then you can say I missuse the words PC (Although I never actually used them myself...)

@player8472 I don't think that because a character is arguing something that the creators necessarily agree with that character, or that the person won't change.

Also they are definitely not half white, their last name is Vera, lol

Oh man, of course creators care about an agenda they are pushing.

And I have no clue if Vera is a white, black, latino or whatever else constitutes as a race for you is - where I live you can't even guess someones "race" by a last name.

Also it makes no difference if the common half is white, asian, latino (most of which look caucasian to me...) or something I don't know is a race for you.
The point stays the same.

@player8472 They have different fathers.

@dawon Yeah, by now thats obvious

@player8472 literally part of the plot


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@player8472 I don't find any of them likeable, plus I sometimes don't get who is who lol

@gabreux Also, way to go to comment with nowaday knowlege to a comment made before the first episode aired...

they are not related only friends!
