Shout by Blair

Charmed 2018

As a super-fan of the original I have to say...I actually didn't hate it. The acting and tone was much more mature than the trailer implied it would be. The writers made some interesting plot and character choices, the changes were welcome, the premise works. Although not all the jokes land and the effects in the final fight reeked of CW superhero show, for a pilot it was a solid start. The actresses as well do a great job of being likable while still leaving room for growth with their parts. The cliffhanger was an interesting turn excited to see where it goes.

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@barussell4 Yes! I'm glad to see other likeminded fans of the original show. The pilot really didn't disappoint. Of course, it'll be hard to top the original while still being new, but they did a good job with the first ep. I'm excited to follow this show and rediscover the world of Charmed in a new way.
