Review by Deleted
BlockedParent2018-10-19T15:56:48Z— updated 2018-10-20T20:17:01Z

"Love is the perfect prison."

The great premiere is followed by more of the same emotional tone but this time, is centered around Wilson Fisk. Fisk is just such an astonishing character and Vincent D'Onofrio really knocks it out the park, and in this episode especially. As far as I can remember, we haven't had this Wilson Fisk in the show before. He's an emotional wreck and is not the brutal lump of rage like he was in season 1, as told in a rather literal sense in the opening scene, where he is attacked with a knife and nearly murders the attacker, but then leaves him alive after some thought. The violent Fisk was obviously great and iconic but I really like this change. That's not to say he will be like this all season though; I'm sure he will be back to his murderous ways in no time, but I'm more than happy with the Fisk we have at the moment.

This episode also saw Matt slowly returning to Daredevil, but without the faith this time. It also took a nosedive into Foggy's life and his relationship with his family, which was my second favourite part of this episode (behind Fisk's car monologue).

Not quite as effective as the premiere, but still a really good episode where Vincent D'Onofrio shines.

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