Review by eyestrane

Charmed 2018

Intolerable. Really bad acting overall. Ridiculous writing. Girls are in front of a demon and are scared of a mouse. In the middle of action they pause to deliver one liners. Full of forced social issues in the script that have little to do with the plot line. Romantic interests always seem to stumble in at the wrong times. Feeble attempt at comedy set up by unimaginative writing.

Where it really feels cheap is when the writers try to force in current trends and social issues. Referring to DMing someone, snapping selfies or with lines of dialogue where characters refer to their sorority as being "woke" or saying "being a witch is a fully pro-choice enterprise". It's trying too hard to be current and it will just end up dating it. Rather than focus on story and characters the twitter-aged writers are focusing on being trendy and topical writing in scenes where the girls attend a #MeToo rally while foregoing all attempts at creating a good narrative.

It's disappointing that they would set-up that the election of Donald Trump is the first part of a three-step process presaging the apocalypse. Like award shows, your opinions and politics don't need to be included in your shows. I don't care about them. I am here to watch television to be entertained or informed not listen to your agenda whether I agree with it or not does not matter. I don't want to hear it. Focus on your art and craft and get off your soapbox.

Production value is flat, effects are cheesy. One character likes to recite her knowledge of science ad-naseum and Harry is annoying and unlikable.

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