Review by Paladin5150

Sing Street 2016


Review by Paladin5150
BlockedParent2019-01-17T06:36:25Z— updated 2023-01-29T20:36:55Z

What's a boy to do growing up in a crappy town, with parents on the cusp of calling it a wrap, with a stoner brother who's pretty much checked out of life, and you the get transferred to the public school where you don't know anyone and are NOT one of the cool kids? Of course..., you spy your future muse from afar, and invite her to be in a video with your band..., but, uh, you don't have a band yet. No worries cuz:

"This is your life,
You can go anywhere....
You gotta grab the wheel and own it,
And drive it like you stole it.
Roll it!"

Newcomer Ferdia Walsh-Peelo is the boy. Perpetual muse Lucy Boynton (Bohemian Rhapsody) is the girl, and Jack Reynor (Kin) once again plays a troubled brother, while 1980's Dublin Ireland is where they all want to escape from. A coming of age and finding yourself drama that never veers into schmaltz, with a throwback 80's soundtrack that defies you not to bob your head and dance. This is the movie "La La Land" WISHED it could be, and, while it was criminally snubbed come awards time, word of mouth will keep this one being popped into DVD players, and streamed long after it's over hyped rival is just a faded memory. Remember:

"This is your life
You can be anything....
You gotta learn to rock and roll it,
You gotta put the pedal down...
And drive it like you stole it!"

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