Shout by FinFan

Love to see the Krill back, they have been absent for too long. And a great continuation of the stroyline from S1. I hope we don't have to wait until S3 too see Teleya again. The moments between her and Mercer and the things they were talking about - that's the kind of storylines they have to do beside the comedic parts.

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I really missed this series, it brings me back to the original Star Trek series where exploring, meeting new people in new worlds was always a great adventure. I also like the characters. I hoped to see Teleya become part of the crew, maybe it's too soon and the ending with Billy Joel was perfect.

@andreas1138 Agreed, I would never have thought of a Billy Joel song working in this environment but it does. Making Teleya a more regular charcter could make for good stories becuase there clearly is something between her and Mercer. One thing The Orville does really well is providing topics to talk about which remembers me very much about my Star Trek heydays.
