Told you they won't show us Spock until the end. The whole episode did not strung a chord with me. Another step sideways instead of forward. I am not surprised Hugh is back, always suspected he would be. They never introduced another doctor. Can't say I care much for the fact or how they did it. The whole explanation was a bit too far-fetched. Plus they milked they whole situation a bit too much. The whole ship is falling apart but again and again they went into all-out "let's explain it to death mode". At some point I was yelling "get the f*** out of there already".

I am somewhat surprised that Section 31 is so out in the open. Tyler walks around displaying his badge to everyone and it seems obvious that everyone knows about them. Kinda weird for a covert ops unit. And I am not just saying that because of continuity. Maybe they were operating like that in this timeframe and where disbanded later, at least officially ?

And Giorgiou is so full of shit. Who in his right mind would ever trust her ?

Best character this season by a wide margin is Pike. He at least seems to be a chip off the old Starfleet block.

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@finfan between the myceal (how the fuck do you spell that?) network and the alternate universe, I guess Discovery is one of those annoying shows where no one truly dies. No red shirts in this one! I also noticed they haven't assigned a new doctor since the old one kicked the bucket. I guess now we know why. Not sure why they went through the trouble of getting him back, he's one of the most uninteresting characters of the show. I didn't even remember him anymore until they showed him again in this episode! They should have got Lorca back, instead.
The whole yapping after Pike told them that time's up was also bothering me quite a lot, they really milked the fuck out of that shit.
I don't know much about Section 31 (I'm not a hard-core fan and I can't remember them from TNG or Voyager), so I can't comment on that. I still like them, though.
Also, I couldn't care less about Spock. That's just nostalgia fuel, anyway, I bet they won't be able to milk much out of that (but they sure are trying). Oddly enough, I'd like to see Kirk, though. But I have no idea where he is and what he is doing at this time.
I wholeheartedly agree with your last sentence regarding Pike. He sure talks and acts like the near perfect embodiment of Star Trek's heyday. I do hope he'll stick around, setting all those new kids straight!

@misnomer funny how you say you can't remember Section 31 because that is how it should be. Officially their existence was one of the greatest secrets in the Federation. It was said that no one who wasn't with them knew about them. So for them to appear in front of a whole ship is opposed to everything they stand for. But in your defense, they where first shown in DS9. You should read up on them.
Totally agree with you on the Doc and I was already thinking about ways to bring Lorca back who, for me, was the best character in the first season.
Since you mentioned Kirk, he should be a Lieutenant on the USS Faragut around this time. No I didn't knew this straight up I had to check ;-)

@finfan thanks for letting me know what Kirk's up to around this time! I was genuinely curious about that (and too lazy to Google it myself, ahah!). I'd say Lorca would be a perfect march as a villain for Pike. Both are bright and charismatic characters. I provably wouldn't like him as much if they'd bring him back as a good guy. Talking so much about it only makes me really want them to actually bring back Lorca... Fingers crossed!
I never liked DS9 that much (it's my least favourite Star Trek series, Babylon 5 did the same thing much better), so no wonder I'm not familiar with Section 31. But I'm glad to know there was such a secretive organization in the Star Trek lore. I honestly had no idea, so I'm eager to know more about them through Discovery. But it does feel a bit out of character for Section 31 to be under the public radar so much, like they're doing.
I'm probably alone on this one, but I miss the Klingon drama. It's so juicy! And, in a way, it's very Star Trek, since Klingons always had a flair for the drama. I'm guessing we won't get any of that in the next episode. Sigh!

@misnomer you're welcome. Didn't take long. Some crosschecking on Memory Alpha which I can recommend if you didn't know it already. Basically the Trek Wiki.
Yeah I liked the Klingons especially in TNG. Those in DSC really seem to be more of the soapy kind.


Reply by kinky

@finfan thanks for the info! I know that website, but I keep forgetting about it. I'm not that much of a nerd, it seems, eheh!
Also, "DSC"? Surely, you mean "STD"... It's a much more suitable acronym ;)

@finfan Typical TV/Movie BS: "We have 30 seconds to defuse the bomb!", spend 20 sec kissing and saying how much they love each other, use 9 of remaining 10 sec to defuse the bomb, "Whew, that was close!" I suppose it's used to create anticipation, but I usually have the same reaction as you. Total BS.

@finfan This is a bit further back since Pike is not yet in command of Enterprise with Spock as his Science Officer. Kirk is probably still a child: Pike takes command of the Enterprise when Kirk is 19; Kirk takes command of the Enterprise approximately 11 years later at 31 (the youngest to captain a starship). Before Enterprise, Kirk was a cadet, trained on board the USS Republic, taught at the academy and then served as a lieutenant on board the Farragut which he came to command after the captain and half the crew were killed by the gas creature.

@broknsymetry According to Memory Alpha the episode Brother takes place in 2257 when Pike comes back from his first five year mission.

In 2257, Captain Christopher Pike mentioned that he had been on a five-year mission aboard the USS Enterprise, a considerable distance away. They had not been ordered to return during the Federation-Klingon War, which had taken a toll on the crew. (DIS: "Brother")

That same year the incident with said creature happened

In 2257, the Farragut engaged the dikironium cloud creature at the planet Tycho IV. The creature killed Captain Garrovick and two hundred of the ship's crew. Farragut's record tapes of the event included Lieutenant Kirk insisting upon blaming himself for the disaster...

That's the information I based my comment on. If you've a different source and dates please let me know.

@finfan I stand corrected. I erred by not realizing that Pike was already in command of the Enterprise with Spock when he took temporary command of the Discovery (How did I miss that?!)

@misnomer Don't know what is official. I was lead by the fact they are wearing those "Disco" shirts. And all other incarnations never used ST for Star Trek in the acronym. STD is fine, too.

@broknsymetry no problem, it happens. As I said I had to look it up myself and I actually was surprised to find a year specific to a given episode. It's hard to pinpoint those events as they are not using Stardates. I think it is on purpose as they have more freedom in writing.

@finfan you are correct, it's never been used "ST" for other Star Trek shows (TNG and DS9 being fine examples of that). I also don't know what's official, but I've been seeing people referring to Discovery as "STD" and I gotta admit that's too much fun of an acronym to ignore. In a way, Discovery might as well be the STD of the Star Trek franchise.

@misnomer LOL. I actually had to google that but it's a good one.

@kinky @FinFan @misnomer
Section 31 also appeared during Enterprise. They were secret then. So before Discovery, Section 31 was secret and after Discovery they were secret (on DS9) but here they run around waving badges.

Someone pointed out to me that the crew of Discovery might be aware of Section 31 because they were involved with developing the Spore Drive but that doesn't explain why Pike seemed to know all about them.

@anthoney65I had forgotten about ENT. Thanks for bringing that up. Makes even less sense then. And that explanation seems to be another half baked attempt to justify their story.
I just remembered they were hinting at time travel at the end of the episode (tachyon emissions) and I have a bad feeling about that they pull that rabbit out of the hat to explain the story in general.
