What a strange episode. The music choices were interesting, a lot of camera angles too. I guess Esmail just has a thing for trolling and mocking tropes which I usually love but this is just so unsatisfying!

Absolutely love that Elliot told Darlene that the hack was her tremendous work and she deserves to push the button. That whole scene between the siblings was heart warming and just so fitting for those two.

The last scenes on the other hand...heart breaking. Feels like a punch in the gut and indeed frustrating. On the other hand: this is what it took for both of them to confront their fears, live through them and then overcome them. There's something soothing and beautiful in Darlene's hands relaxing on the sink and Dom falling asleep in her seat.
Also I'm glad that they are both alive. Somehow I had a feeling of dread throughout the whole episode, thinking that they were definitely not both gonna make it.

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@blacktigertw funny.. all while reading your comment, my entire plan was to question if you did not also feel that dread I was feeling over a self-imagined depiction of a yet-worse tragedy than what ended up being shown in this episode approaching— and then you go and just throw that in within a final sentence. ;P

I was hating the show so much for putting me through what I expected it was putting me through at the time! Lol. That expectation being that either: Dom's stitches and whatnot would separate at the climax of the unrecommended ultra intensity sprinting to plane and she'd die on an airport floor approaching the gate, with a small pool of blood (without Darlene aware she even tried, needed immediate attention, and failed through no fault of her own to reach the plane); or that one or the the other would board the plane without the other, only for the news that would have normally within this show be treated with much more healthy amounts of skepticism/paranoia from Darlene — the news of them being scott-free and completely off the radar of their series-long enemies — to be as dangerous to take for granted as a show viewer should expect it to be and for the airplane to explode in the air, leaving one of the pair to live in the misery of that survivor guilt.

@calex Wow, yeah, I didn't even think about the stitches. To me the whole Irving thing just felt so dreadful, too. When he said that they're off the radar I was maybe more afraid for them than ever, that was so creepy.
But I was totally with you on the second one. I was very afraid until the very end that we'd see Dom snoozing off quietly, suddenly disrupted by an explosion. OR: Even before I thought, what if they actually do both make it on the plane but the dark army blows it up once it's in the air? So I suppose, I'm very glad none of that happened.

Also I have to say that with some distance I see the episode in a different light, too. In a more content way. This was very cathartic for the both of them, as each found new strength through one another but also themselves. That's wonderful. (Although there's still a part of me that feels gut punched having Dom's extreme loneliness over the course of the whole season in mind and the fact that Darlene was one of the very few people she actually connected with)

Don't know why this episode evoked such heavy emotions in me, I'll rewatch it today, let's see what it'll be this time!
