Review by wolfkin

21 Bridges 2019


Review by wolfkin
BlockedParent2019-12-12T04:21:03Z— updated 2020-02-05T17:51:22Z

A very solid crime action-thriller. I had a great time.

In the end though we learn that so many of the cops we see except Boseman's Andre Davis are pretty much on the take. Let me tell you something no one is more dedicated than a cop on the take about to lose his piggy bank. These guys go hard in every respect. Guys are dying by the handful and still rogue cops are running around getting their fingers shot off. This is cult like behaviour. I promise you if I was crooked I'd be taking money because I want money and it's easy. You want me to look the other way no problem. You want me to hunt down two literal former soldiers who have killed 16 cops on their own over two gun battles? Nah son they get to escape at that point.

That said based on some of the response I'm seeing there's a certain contingent that's trying to make this movie into another "Killmonger was right" sequence. It's not. Cptn McKenna of the 85th precinct who was the leader of this completely crooked DEPARTMENT OF POLICE OFFICERS. Tries to justify his actions that have killed like 16 of his people and maybe 5-7 innocent civilians as necessary to keep his people alive. they don't get paid enough, their hours are hard so they should make up that money by functionally selling drugs. It's stupid logic. It makes no sense. They're making more work for themselves as Davis (Boseman) explains. His father was killed because drugs were on the street. Selling the drugs doesn't just give cops money it makes the people they're supposed to serve and protect pay for that money with their lives and protection. It's WHY the people hate the cops. Not just the people in the movie but people in general. IRL people. So many people hate the cops that cop hating is a viable plotline for a Hollywood movie and it's because of logic like that that legit people legit try to have. So in conclusion it was a fun movie. I liked the twists and turns. I liked the tension. But I like all that from a responsible perspective one that separates reality from fiction. In fiction there can be this push and pull of what is right and what is wrong in the circumstances presented. In reality it's much more clear cut. Reality is filled with gray zones that aren't either black or white. Nothing presented in this movie are any of them.

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