Shout by FinFan

And with this we finally learn how Picard and Guinan meet. Have met ? Will meet ? Isn't time travel exciting ?
I always like to think through this kind of story. Guinan (from the present) obviously knows what has happenend as indicated by her comments and suggestion to Picard. And since they found Data's severed head all this seems to indicate it indeed has all happened already. Now, we know Guinan has a unique perception of time but if all of this has happened then why does no one remember ? Am I missing something, I was skipping some lectures on temporal science you know.
Interesting to see that Guinan is at least 500 years old, could be even a couple hundreds more, and that she might have ran away from her real home which in turn saved her from the Borg. I like that kind of background. Yeah, the aliens, that's a bit off. But as I said I think this is not that important as it is but the background for the real plot.
The sets and costumes are great, too. Overall I really enjoyed this first part

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@finfan what do you mean why does no one remember? who else but guinan could remember?

@rainertallinnast How can I explain it ?
Either Guinan knows what has happened because she's already lived through it. And finding Data's head in the cave suggest that it already happened once, too. In that case they should have all been through it and do remember it.
Or Guinan feels what needs to happen in order to preserve the timeline. We know from Yesterdays Enterprise she has a unique perception of time.
I don't know who to explain it any better. That's temporal science for you, it's probably some sort of time paradoxon.

@finfan guinan knows what happened because she is hundreds of years old and lived through it as a younger woman and remembers it just like anyone would remember things from their past

all the others only got there by time travel after being born and living their whole lives in the 24th century - how could they have remembered things from before their own birth, if they hadn't travelled back in time to experience them yet?

for guinan, all these events occured in standard chronological order, but the others didn't experience or find out about the 19th century events until they were transported back in time as adults living in the 24th century

it has nothing to do with guinan's special abilities - she just saw them arrive from the future and then lived long enough to see that future become the present - that's why she more or less knew what had to happen for the whole thing to "come full circle"

@rainertallinnast >how could they have remembered things from before their own birth, if they hadn't travelled back in time to experience them yet?

Like I said - a time paradox. In the past it has happened but in the future it didn't.
