Review by FinFan

Richard Jewell 2019

I've been an Eastwood fan for basically my entire movie watching life. Ever since I've saw him in one of the Dollar western. If he's playing or directing - it's a reason for me to watch it. However his last directing credits were literally hit and miss the last youple of years.
Amerian Sniper (miss), Sully (hit), 15:17 to Paris (miss), The Mule (hit). And now Richard Jewell is somewhere in between but leaning more towards missing, again, for different reasons.

I knew nothing about the person or how he's been treated at the time. So I had really no idea what was going to happen in this movie. While I'm not surprised at how the story unfolds I have to say that Eastwood did not manage to invoke real sympathy for the man in me. The whole thing pretty much plays like you would expect it to. Jewell is the hero.

After I watched the movie I read about the controversy surrounding the portrayal of Kathy Scruggs. I know movies are taking artistic freedoms when it comes to the portrayal of characters but I think they went below the line here. Especially considering that she is dead. That made me read up a little more. I don't want to excuse what has been done to Jewell by the FBI and the media, and how terrible it must have been for him. But I found it interesting that the movie neglected to mention that the Attorney General formally apologized and that Jewell got a 500.000 $ settlement from NBC. Others settled, too, but I don't know for what.

I think it is really important to tell stories like this. But adding or leaving stuff out are intentional decisions on part of the writer and/or director and I really ask myself: why ? If you make a movie based on a real event, stick to the fact. Don't add or leave things out. Because if you do I really question your motive and your agenda.

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@finfan - What's wrong with American Sniper?

- Just because you are psycho without empathy that doesn't mean the film is a "miss".

- The movies is a drama, not a documentary. And half a million is nothing for what they have been through.


You can read my comment for American Sniper if you like.

As for this movie: I voiced my opinion and explained why I feel that way. You have a different one, that's fine by me. Write a comment and tell us about it. Their is no need to be offensive.

If you read my comment I clearly stated that I think everything that was done to him was wrong. They guy did a great thing and was wrongfully accused and smeared by the media. But for me it makes a difference if they at least acknowledged that and apologized. I feel cheated if I find out later they left out or added things. Not being a documentary is not an excuse if the movie depicts an actual event.

I am not ripping the movie apart. I subtracted one point. I would have given it a 7 had it not been been for the discrepancies. That is in the neigborhood of the 7.5 overall rating.
