Review by FinFan

Return of the Jedi 1983

Let's not talk Ewoks or Special Editions. There's nothing that can be said or written that hasn't been done so before.
I loved Star Wars from the second I first watched it and that will never change. I made my peace with the prequels and can see what they brought to the whole despite the flaws they have.
This marked the first time I saw everything chronologically so far (incl. Clone Wars and Rebels) and some things just don't ad up.
F.e. how can Leia know anything about her mother ? Both children were taken away the minute they were born and Padme died right after giving birth. Bail Organa immediatly took Leia in. She should not be able to remember her birth mother.
And Obi-Wan was very reluctant to take on Anakin, let alone train him. He only did so because of a promise he made to the dying Qui-Gon.
You can find many more little discrepancies and this is not meant to be criticism of any kind. In any case in 1983 all this didn't apply. It just shows that it isn't easy to put a prequel story to an existing story without cutting some corners.

But like I said - I love Star Wars. I can easily live with all those things mentioned above.
Now, reluctantly I have to admit, I move on to the sequells.

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@finfan I am following your progression for quite some time now, maybe one day I'll watch the SW media in chronological order too. I want to know what you think about Episode IX. It was quite emotional for me and if you liked The Force Awakens there is a small chance you'll like TROS too. They are quite similar: it's not perfect, but it has a heart.
In any case I'll be interested in knowing what you think.

@andreas1138 Thanks for sticking with me. I appreciate all the replies you made.
I would really recommend watching it in chronological order. I watched the movies dozens of times but it is a great experience doing it that way, with all the other shows together. I worked with this list which is a great compilation.,asc
Initially I didn't wanted to watch IX but I can now say I will (thanks to having Disney+). It may take a while as there is more I have to watch before but it will happen. I keep in mind to let you know what I think about it.
Thanks again.
