Review by Ritesh Mohapatra

Rampage 2018

:scroll: Plot: When three different animals become infected with a dangerous pathogen, a primatologist and a geneticist team up to stop them from destroying Chicago.
:man:‍⚖ Review : Rampage is an cinematic adaptation of a 1980's arcade game where there giant animals create havoc in a city . Davis (Dwayne) is a primatologist and handler of one the creature George the white Gorrila.

As the name suggest, the movie shows how the some creatures tear appart a city with civilization. The VFX is quiet superlative and movies is filled with action sequences throughout the course of its runtime. Now this movies is not for those who expect storytelling , brilliant acting or drama but is an all out entertainment show which you can watch with a bucket full of popcorns and still you will enjoy it.

Director Brad Peyton has enough chunks of thrilling action sequences which you can enjoy in your big TVs. Dwayne Johnson has again proved why he is considered to be a bankable star when it comes to commercial success of a movie in Hollywood. He is dazzling and with a mix of humour his character charms you away with his mere presence. I am extremely grateful that a actor as fine as Jeffrey Dean Morgan is getting frontline roles who is a brilliant actor (Walking Dead Fame).

:thumbsup:Goods :
Dwayne Johnson's Charisma
Action Packed Sequences + VFX
Entertainment Package
:thumbsdown: Bads :

Storyline is predictable.
:fire: Final Rating : 7/10
:white_check_mark: Verdict : This movie is a commercial action flick with loads of adrenaline rush and heart pumping action and the amazing Dwayne Johnson. A definite one time watch .
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